Transgender HHS Assistant Secretary Promoted To Four-Star Admiral

When Joe Biden nominated obese transgender kook Rachel Levin to be his Health and Human Services assistant secretary, this was inevitable. Part of the job is getting the rank of Admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps but it doesn’t make the spectacle any less absurd. Adding to the absurdity is the liberal media praising this man in a dress for becoming the first “woman” to reach this rank.

Here’s NBC doing just that:

Dr. Rachel Levine, the nation’s most senior transgender official, made history again Tuesday by becoming the first openly transgender four-star officer across any of the country’s eight uniformed services.

Levine, the assistant secretary of health, was sworn in Tuesday as an admiral, the highest-ranking official of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, whose 6,000 uniformed officers are entrusted with protecting the nation’s public health. Levine’s appointment also made her the organization’s first female four-star officer.

How is Levin both transgender and a woman? The only way to achieve that is to be born a woman and pretend to be a man. It’s the other way around with Levine.

Also, the liberal media is acting like a guy pretending to be a woman just broke the glass ceiling in uniformed services for women. This must be a proud day for women everywhere.

“This is a momentous occasion, and I am honored to take this role for the impact I can make and for the historic nature of what it symbolizes,” Levine said at her swearing-in.

I supposed it is historic, but not in a good way. It’s like whoever invented anal fisting. Sure, that person was first but it mean doesn’t he deserves a parade or statue dedicated in his honor.

“I stand on the shoulders of those LGBTQ+ individuals who came before me, both those known and unknown. May this appointment today be the first of many more to come, as we create a diverse and more inclusive future.” said Levine.

If he’s standing on anyone’s shoulders, they’re certainly going to be crushed to death.

This is an incredibly dumb statement BTW. If Levin is the first, then nobody came before him and certainly not anyone unknown.

And let’s keep in mind that this was not something Levine earned through hard work or merit. The United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is made up entirely of commissioned officers and has no enlisted or warrant officer ranks. Basically if you get the job, you are assigned the rank that goes with it. Levin was nominated as the Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and with comes the rank of Admiral.

Levine didn’t join the service and work his way up through the ranks. He didn’t even earn the position Assistant HHS Secretary as he only got the gig because he’s a man wearing a dress pretending to be a woman and that’s some Joe Biden likes.

Biden nominated Pete Buttigieg as the Secretary of transportation for no other reason than he is gay and we’ve seen how that turned out. There’s a massive supply chain crisis and Buttigieg has been on maternity leave for the past two months.

Biden said “on day one” he was going to kick COVID-19’s ass and that hasn’t come close to happening. Perhaps nominating Levine for Assistant HHS Secretary has something to do with that failure. Maybe, just maybe, being transgender isn’t the best qualification for getting a pandemic under control.