Biden Doesn’t Have Answers For The High Gas Prices And Border Crisis He Created

Joe Biden inherited energy independence and a secure border, then proceeded to royalty screw them up. The illegitimate president did a town hall with illegitimate journalist Anderson Cooper, meaning it was softballs all the way, and still couldn’t explain how he’s going to fix the messes he created. Just imagine how bad it would be if a legitimate journalist was asking Biden questions.

Biden has done 1 pseudo press conference and only a handful of interviews since stealing the White House, but on Thursday did his second town hall on CNN. Clearly he believes Anderson Cooper won’t try to trip him up with questions regarding his colossal failures and yet:

“I don’t have a near term answer. There’s two things I could do. I could go in the petroleum reserve and take out an prolly rederse re re reduce the price of gas maybe 18 cents or so a gallon, it’s still gonna be above 3 bucks,” said Biden.

He never listed the second thing he could do because on top of sucking at leading and speaking, he’s terrible at math.

“It’s gonna be hard, there’s a possibility to be able to bring it down, depends on a little bit, Saudi Arabia and a few other things in the offing,” Biden added.

An energy dependent Unites States wouldn’t have to rely on Saudi Arabia.

“I don’t see anything that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices right now. My guess is you’ll start to see gas prices come down as we get by going into the winter, I mean excuse me, into next year in 2022,” said Biden.

Why would gas prices come down next year when the reasons why it’s high will not change? In fact, if Biden and the democrats pass the $4.7 trillion in new spending they are trying to ram though, inflation and gas prices will go up even more.

Okay, that didn’t go well so Cooper tried to give Joe an easier one and ask him about the border:

“Do you have plans to visit the Southern border?” Cooper asked.

“I’ve been there before and I haven’t, I mean I know it well,” Biden responded.

But according to Fox News:

It is not clear whether or not Biden has ever traveled to the border as a senator, vice-president, or concerned citizen, and multiple queries from Fox News to the White House have not produced an answer.

“I guess I should go down, but the whole point of it is I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down. I’ve been spending time going around looking at the $900 billion damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world,” said Biden.

Here’s another fun fact: Biden has been to his Delaware home 28 times since stealing the White House. Surely he could have skipped one weekend to go visit the border.

Finally, there’s this:

Watch it on a loop for full creepy effect. Also, I’m told that is a white power hand gesture.

Before Biden agreed to this town hall, his people made sure Anderson Cooper would only ask pre-approved questions and Joe was coached on his answers. He still managed to f*ck it up by not having the answers to the questions he knew were coming.

This is like a boxer in a fixed fight knowing his opponent is going to take a dive in the 6th round and still managing to fall out of the ring, knocking himself out cold. Joe Biden is so incompetent he can’t even do fixed interview without botching it completely.