Here It Comes—Many Guessed Correctly: Alec Baldwin Is Being Made Into A Victim From The “Rust” Shooting

Saturday was the day when Alec Baldwin addressed the public about the death of Halyna Hutchins after he “accidentally” shot her on the set of his latest movie, Rust.

That was also when ‘Team Alec’ began to display the results of their high-level brainstorming—The Plan to salvage his “innocence.”

With him was his wife, Hilaria, who told the New York Post that she had been driving around endlessly with her children after the news broke, looking for someplace out of the public eye where the family could come to terms with what happened. This from

Yes, this terrible loss of life has been traumatizing for everyone—particularly for the family and loved ones of Halyna Hutchins.

However, Hilaria Baldwin’s response caught many off guard. She indicated that she’s taking this time to monitor her husband’s mental health. She fears that he may be suffering from PTSD following the shooting.

PTSD—the shooter? W. T. F. ???

Hilaria worries Alec will develop post-traumatic stress disorder after the incident which killed cinematographer Hutchins, 42, and wounded director Joel Souza, 48.

“I brought [Alec] up here because we have to mourn Halyna’s death,” she said. “Alec had a really traumatic thing happen, and I am trying to limit the PTSD.”

“You look at what happens to soldiers and police officers when something like this happens, it’s traumatic. We just came up here for quiet.”

Asked whether Alex would act again, Hilaria was hopeful but not certain.

Accidentally taking another human being’s life would certainly be traumatizing. But can this not be seen as the workings of a mitigation process?

This was likely an accident. It was a horrible and tragic event, but someone must be held accountable, no?

Baldwin…was the last person in the chain of custody with the opportunity to ensure the firearm was “cold” and safe. Should he have checked? Of course. And if the assistant director wasn’t following the usual on-set gun-handling protocols, Baldwin (particularly as a producer) could have called him out and insisted that those procedures be followed.

Yes, Baldwin is emotionally distraught over having killed a woman, however, PTSD?

To analogize, I see a thief apologizing for stealing when actually he is sorry he was caught.