Ron DeSantis Calls Joe’s Regime The ‘Brandon Administration’

The F*ck Joe Biden/Let’s Go Brandon movement just keeps getting more awesome. While giving a speech, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis referred to the current occupiers of the White House as the “Brandon Administration.” Soon the crowd broke out in a “Let’s Go Brandon” chant and all was right with the universe.

Here’s my favorite thing of the day:

“If you look at that, if you look at what’s going on with some of the big corporations with their woke agenda, when you look at the Biden — the Brandon administration — in terms of what they’re doing,” said DeSantis wit ha laugh.

DeSantis couldn’t finish his thought because the raucous crowd broke out in a “Let’s Go Brandon” chant that lasted a solid 30 seconds.

Democrats and their propaganda ministry in the liberal media think that “Let’s Go Brandon” is thinly-veiled violence and profanity against Joe Biden, but Ron DeSantis took the time to explain it to them.

“Do you know how that started? Was like, you have the media hammering me over this, it was at a NACAR race and they’re doing an interview with a driver, I guess his name was Brandon, and the crowd starts chanting pretty colorful language about Joe Biden. And it’s obvious that’s what they were doing, you know, it is was it is. First of all, they said way worse about Trump for four years, we know that. So they’re chanting this and you have a reporter from NBC who knows that’s what they’re saying and she’s trying to cover for Biden so she says, ‘yeah, they’re chanting Let’s Go Brandon,'” DeSantis said.

And here’s the part the left can’t seem to wrap their empty heads around:

“And that was a lie…and so this chant I think has taken on a life of its own because it exposes the dishonesty fo these corporate reporters and what they do every day. They try to lie,” said DeSantis.

LGB is as much about the complete failure of Joe Biden’s illegitimate presidency as it is about the corrupt liberal media that tries to protect him.

The fact that democrats and the fake news industry don’t get what this is about shows how out of touch they are with regular people and really, that is the point.

Joe Biden not only doesn’t represent the interests of average Americans, he actively works against them. Meanwhile the liberal media doesn’t report news, they run cover for Biden, hiding things that are embarrassing to him and concealing his anti-American agenda.

“F*ck Joe Biden” is as big of a f*ck you to the illegitimate president as it is is to the illegitimate mainstream media.

Hopefully Ron DeSantis branding the Biden regime as the “Brandon Administration” sticks as much as the F*ck Joe Biden/Let’s Go Brandon thing has. I honestly can’t wait for some tool on CNN or MSNBC accidentally call it the “Brandon Administration” and I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen.