Joe Biden Spends Birthday Celebrating Transgender Remembrance Day

November 20th gives us a terrible holiday twofer with Joe Biden’s birthday and Transgender Remembrance day. Birthday boy Joe is spending his 78th year on the planet by pretending that he is the President of the United States and that when dudes put on a dress, they are magically transformed into women. He’s denying the science of biology and dementia.

In another reason why Biden should never be allowed to take office, this is what he considers a priority for a Joe Joe presidency:

“On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honor their lives — and recommit to the work that remains to ensure that every transgender and gender-nonconforming person in America has the opportunity to live authentically, earn a living wage, and be treated with dignity and respect in their communities and workplaces,” said Biden in a statement.

Maybe dignity is impossible for a big hairy man wearing a miniskirt. And by “maybe” I mean it’s impossible.

“Transgender rights are human rights. To transgender and gender-nonconforming people across America and around the world: from the moment I am sworn in as president of the United States, know that my administration will see you, listen to you, and fight for not only your safety but also the dignity and justice you have been denied,” Biden said.

Of all the problems facing this country, Joe Biden thinks this is one of them. He is wrong, but he’s been wrong about everything in his 50 years of ineptitude in Washington.

Gee, I hope Biden’s make-believe veep has something to say on this subject as well.

I’m glad Kamala Harris dropped the race card on this already ridiculous thing. Until then it wasn’t quite stupid enough.

It is very insulting that these leftist whackos are trying to establish a day for gender benders on par with Memorial Day, which recognizes those who have died in service of our country. Trannies didn’t sacrifice for our freedom. They died because they chose a dangerous lifestyle, which is anything but heroic.

Here’s a fun fact: nearly every transgender person who has ever been murdered was killed by an intimate partner. They are killed by their “boyfriends,” not because of prejudice but rather that everyone in that world is a scumbag.

LGBT activists and liberals like Biden and Harris want everyone to believe that transgender people are a persecuted minority who are targeted and killed by bigots. They die turning tricks or in domestic violence situations. That’s another way of saying that transgender people are murdered by other gay people, not homophobes. The rare also killed by people with the same skin color as them so there’s no racism. Sorry, Kamala.

If you made a prioritized list of everything that needs fixing in America, restoring transgender rights would be down at the bottom with “the Taco Bell drive-thru didn’t give me enough hot sauce.” Actually, that’s not true because getting shortchange on condiments is a real thing while tranny dignity is not.