Swalwell And Lieu Are Worried Republican Will Samurai Slice Biden And AOC

It’s only been 6 days since the two dumbest guys in Congress, Eric Swalwell and Ted Lieu, attacked the black Lt. Governor of North Carolina for opposing socialism, accusing him of inciting violence, and they are back again. This time they worry that Republican Rep. Paul Gosar is going slice and dice Joe Biden and AOC, Samurai-style, because he posted a goofy meme that opposes illegal immigration.

Here’s Arizona Republican Paul Gosar proving the easiest way to make a democratic flip out is posting something on Twitter:

Gosar spliced clips of Biden’s border policy failures with a Japanese anime show. At one point he superimposed his face over the flying sword-wielding hero as he stabs a giant creature, with AOC’s face, in the back. Then the hero goes flying at Joe Biden’s face with two swords.

Obviously this was meant to convey that Gosar will oppose the Biden administration’s open border policies with everything has. Gosar can’t fly, AOC isn’t 4 stories tall, and Biden isn’t as big as the sun. This is what’s known as a metaphor, not a threat of violence.

But over in dopey California, a couple of democrats are clutching their pearls, accusing Gosar of threatening to kill Biden and AOC with dual katanas:

Swalwell is such an intellectual dipshit that he thinks pulling up a video Gosar posted on Twitter is exposing a covert plot by Republicans to assassinate Joe Biden.

He calls the GOP “blood thirsty losers” when he’s a Chinese spy thirsty loser himself. Banging Fang Fang is a bigger threat to America than a Republican standing up for border security and immigration enforcement.

Also, in what way is this video an example of Republicans picking violence of voting? It literally has nothing to do with either of those things, but Swalwell wouldn’t be the dumbest white guy in Congress if he understood this.

Eric Swalwell was banging a Chinese spy and he’s still on the Intelligence Committee. If Paul Gosar was on the Photoshop Committee I could see questioning his assignment, but otherwise this is ridiculous.

While we’re on the subject, if Swalwell worked at McDonald’s and got caught f*cking a Burger King spy, he would be fired but somehow he gets to keep his top as a U.S Rep. on the Intelligence committee.

And again, this is not violence, it’s a stupid video and a metaphor. Violence is physical and threats are explicit. Gosar is opposing the terrible immigration policies of Joe Biden and nothing more. Why can’t a couple of dummies understand this?