In A Fake Accent, Kamala Harris Talks To French Scientists Like They’re 2-Year-Olds

Here’s your weekly reminder that Kamala harris sucks. While visiting France for some unknown reason, Kamala Harris took a tour of a scientific facility. She proceeded to talk to the scientists like they were toddlers and used a fake French accent to boot. The White House must have forgotten what an embarrassment she is or maybe they figured it’s better for her to be acting like a jackass in another country.

I’ve watched this video several times, hoping to add some context but it’s just Kamala Harris being Kamala Harris. There’s no rhyme or reason, only Kamaltoe:

“With us in government, we campaign with ‘The Plan.’ Uppercase ‘T’ uppercase ‘P.’ The Plan. And the environment is such that we’re expected to defend The Plan even when the first time we roll it out there may be some glitches and it’s time to reevaluate and then do it again,” said Harris.

Every time she says “the plan” she sounds like Tattoo from Fantasy Island saying “ze plane, ze plane. I guess that’s the extent of her French language studies at Howard University. Maybe she was too busy smoking pot and listening to rap records that hadn’t been released yet to pick up anything more.

Recently it was reported that the White House handlers had pulled Harris off active duty to coach her into being more likable. Part of that training must have involved telling her to flail her arms wildly like Beto O’Rourke and especially to talk to people like they are 2-years-old. It’s weird that this hasn’t done a damn thing to make her any less cringy.

As an added bonus, what Harris said made no sense at all. Seriously, what was it that she was trying to convey to the French scientists in the fake French accent? Maybe she’s been  around Joe Biden too long because, like him, when she goes off-script, it’s pure nonsense.

Never one to disappoint, Harris took her traveling shitshow to a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron where she managed to laugh while talking about the COVID-19 pandemic:

“I look forward to our discussions today and over the coming days we will discuss a lot of issues, including one of the markings of this new era which is sadly the pandemic but creating then an opportunity to continue the work we have done since Professor Pasture,” said Harris with a cackle.

I don’t know which is worse, Harris forget Louis Pasture’s first name or her laughing about it. I guess it can be a tie. I will give her some credit for not laughing in a fake french accent: Honhonhon.

Kamala Harris was cringeworthy in Guatemala, made an ass of herself in Vietnam, and has now Kamaltoed it up in France, which means she has embarrassed the United States on 3 continents. She still has Africa, Australia, and Antarctica to conquer but she definitely has what it takes to get that done.

I predict she’ll laugh at Sudanese people dying from Ebola, confuse the Australian PM with Crocodile Dundee, and then adopt a Penguin accent.