“Hell Yes!” Beto O’Rourke Still Wants To Take Your AR-15

Beto O’Rourke ran for the U.S. Senate and lost, ran for president and dropped out with 0% support, and now plans on losing the Texas governor’s race. The cultural-appropriating beta male is famous for being a furry and for threatening to take people’s guns. In his infinite delusion, O’Rourke thinks massive gun confiscation promises are the key to winning the deep-red 2nd Amendment sanctuary State of Texas.

O’Rourke was on CNN recently and host Dana Bash played a clip from a 2019 democratic primary debate:

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” said O’Rourke.

Bash then asked O’Rourke if he still held that view.

“Is that what you would still do as Governor of Texas?” Bash asked.

“Look, we are a state that has a long, proud tradition of responsible gun ownership, and most of us here in Texas do not want to see our friends, our family, our neighbors shot up with these weapons of war, so yes I still hold this view,” O’Rourke said.

O’Rourke went on to trash the new Texas open carry law, indicating that he would repeal it if elected Governor.

“We don’t want extremism in our gun laws, we want to protect the Second Amendment, and we want to respect the lives of our fellow Texans,” he added.

So he wants to protect the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms by banning people from keeping and bearing arms? How does that work?

I don’t think he knows what the the word “protect” means and it’s clear he’s a little confused over the term “extremism.” Banning and confiscating firearms is the exact opposite of protecting the 2nd Amendment and an example of extremist Unconstitutional bullshit.

From there, Bash asked O’Rourke what he thought about Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted. Surprise, he didn’t like it.

“I mean, this entire tragedy makes the case that we should not allow our fellow Americans to own and use weapons that were originally designed for battlefield use. That AR-15, that AK-47 has one single solitary purpose and that is killing people as effectively, efficiently, in as great a number, in as little time as possible. We saw that in Kenosha,” said O’Rourke.

Kyle Rittenhouse had an AR-15 and killed 2 people over the course of 10 or fifteen minutes. If anything O’Rourke said was true, Rittenhouse would have killed 50-60 Antifa scumbags in 10 seconds. Also, Rittenhouse was defending himself against violent attackers, so there’s that. If he hadn’t had an AR-15, he’d be dead.

O’Rourke finished this up with some typical gun-grabber nonsense, saying that he grew up as responsible gun owner who just wants some “commonsense” gun laws. Here’s a fun fact, O’Rourke didn’t grow up with guns. He claims that he and his wife inherited guns from his great uncle, which is probably a lie, but even so if he got them when he was married that means he didn’t grow up with them.

Beta O’Dork thinks running on a promise to disarm Texas is a winning proposal in the Lone Star State, which is dumb. O’Rourke’s speciality is not winning elections however so this is at least a successful route to his inevitable defeat.