California To Become Abortion Sanctuary With Paid Travel And Lodging

The Supreme Court is deciding a case right now that could overturn Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion. If that happens, California is poised to step up as an abortion sanctuary, paying out-of-staters’ travel and lodging expenses to come and kill their unborn babies. I didn’t think it was possible for California to get any worse but the democrats in charge are innovative in the ways of shittiness.

The AP reports:

With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary” for those seeking reproductive care, including possibly paying for travel, lodging and procedures for people from other states.

The California Future of Abortion Council, made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups, released a list of 45 recommendations for the state to consider if the high court overturns Roe v. Wade — the 48-year-old decision that forbids states from outlawing abortion.

Is it weird that the California Future of Abortion Council even exists? Yeah, it is.

The recommendations are not just a liberal fantasy. Some of the state’s most important policymakers helped write them, including Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate and attended multiple meetings.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom started the group himself and in an interview last week with The Associated Press said some of the report’s details will be included in his budget proposal in January.

“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said, adding he’s aware patients will likely travel to California from other states to seek abortions. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

And who is going to be paying for these out-of-state abortion tourists? That was rhetorical question, I already know it’s the taxpayers. That means me. Please feel free to fill the comment section with “Why the f*ck do you live in California, Brain?” questions.

The answer is complicated, but basically I like the weather out here and there’s a ton of cool places to take my dog like the beach and the mountains.

I may not be some fancy-ass abortionologist on the California Future of Abortion Council but I can see at least one huge problem with this plan. If the state is willing to pay for out-of-state abortions, the place will be flooded with out-of-staters seeking abortions. Who wouldn’t want a free trip to sunny California?

It’s a pretty easy formula too: get knocked up and get an all-expenses paid weekend trip to Los Angeles or San Francisco. Most of the abortion clinics are located in the major cities so the only downside is if a person has to go to Sacramento for an abortion.

Crime is through the roof in California because the state has pretty much stopped enforcing the law and prosecuting criminals. The streets are covered in human waste as the homelessness problem is out of control. The state has the highest taxes in the nation and the lowest level of personal freedom. Illegal aliens have more rights and privileges than Americans and now the state wants to pay people with my money to come and get abortions.

Don’t bother flooding the comments section, I’ll ask the question myself: Seriously Brian, why the f*ck do you still live in California?