Here’s A Bunch Of Democrats With Badly Aged Jussie Smollett Tweets

Yesterday, gay black actor Jussie Smollett was convicted on several charges related to the hate crime hoax he perpetrated. Def-Con News told you about a Kamala Harris tweet in support of that fake hate crime but it turns out there’s a bunch more democrats with badly aged Smollett tweets.

From the git go, Jussie’s Smollett’s story about being attacked by racist homophobic Trump supporters smelled like bullshit, but the democratic party had MAGA clothespins on their noses and bought it because it fit their narrative.

Check these out:

Do we still have to come together to eradicate bigotry and violence even if it’s a hoax designed to blame white conservative men?

How about an anti-hate crime hoax law instead?

We also shouldn’t accept Members of the House Intelligence committee banging Chinese spies.

He paid to be harmed by others so presumably he did deserve it. Also, nice job of Maxine finding the culprits and bringing them to justice.

AOC had a tweet up for Jussie but deleted it in the past few hours:

But it is someone’s job to water down and sugar-coat the rise of hate crime hoaxes and her name is AOC.

Joe Biden did not delete this tweet, probably because he doesn’t remember posting it:

Joe has moved on from Jussie and is with Brandon now.

And finally, Al Sharpton sort of got his wish with this one:

Smollett hasn’t been sentenced yet but hopefully he gets the maximum to appease race-hustling Reverend Al.

All of these tweets show how democrats weaponize, politicize, and racialize every issue. They are wrong about everything, but never miss a chance to exploit bullshit to advance their agenda.