Kamala Harris Cries That People Hate Her Because She’s A Woman Of Color

Kamala Harris is an unremarkable person who has fallen ass-backwards into every position of power she has lucked into. On a personal note, she’s irritating and phony. She’s not particularly good at anything and unpleasant to all 5 senses. These are the reasons why people dislike her but in her own self-delusion, Harris says her unpopularity is because she is a woman of color.

The New York Times tried desperately to get to the bottom of people’s dislike of the illegitimate vice president:

Ms. Harris has privately told her allies that the news coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 predecessors, all of whom were white and male.

Yeah, Dick Cheney and Mike Pence got such favorable coverage from the liberal media. She’s certifiably insane. The fake news industry bends over backwards to show her and Joe Biden in the most favorable light possible. What this means is, she so shitty that even the corrupt liberal media propaganda machine can’t blow the stench off of her.

This NYT piece is proof at how far the liberal media will go to prop up democrats like Kamala Harris. Have a look at this piece of revisionist history:

An early front-runner whose presidential ambitions fizzled amid a dysfunctional 2020 campaign, Ms. Harris was pulled onto the Biden ticket for her policy priorities that largely mirrored his, and her ability as a Black woman to bolster support with coalitions of voters he needed to win the presidency.

Her bid for president didn’t fizzle because of a dysfunctional campaign, she quit because she didn’t have any support. And the reason for that is because she sucks and people hate her. Period.

As for the reason Joe Biden picked her to be his running mate, he made no qualms about. He said he was going to pick a woman of color and that’s it. Those are her only qualification; that’s she has a vagina and isn’t white.

Somehow this gets funnier:

Faced with declining approval ratings, a series of staff departures and a drumbeat of criticism from Republicans and the conservative news media, she has turned to powerful confidantes, including Hillary Clinton, to help plot a path forward.

Hillary Clinton is the least likable person in modern political history. Her only paths were alienating most of the country and losing an election anyone else would have won. Kamala asking Hillary how to be more appealing is like Kamala asking Hillary how to win an election.

Not surprisingly, Hillary agrees that people think Kamala sucks because they are racist and misogynist:

“There is a double standard; it’s sadly alive and well. A lot of what is being used to judge her, just like it was to judge me, or the women who ran in 2020, or everybody else, is really colored by that,” said Hillary.

There are plenty of women and people of color who are respected and even adored. What they have that Hillary and Kamala don’t is genuine personalities and track records of accomplishments. Name one thing that either Harris or Clinton have ever done. You can’t and neither can they. They are both phony opportunists who feel entitled to your respect but have done nothing to earn it.

Kamala Harris is crying that she’s being treated unfairly because she’s a woman of color, but that’s all she really has going for her. She doesn’t have to worry about being terrible at her job or unlikeable because she can avoid criticism by dropping the race and gender cards.