Kamala Harris Touts Our Important Alliance With North Korea

Joe Biden’s “Border Czar” Kamala Harris finally visited a border but unfortunately it’s not our Southern border that’s being overrun by illegal aliens. Instead, the illegitimate VP went to the Demilitarized Zone on the Korean peninsula to announce America’s special alliance with North Korea. She’s bad at everything and she does it badly on all continents.

The White House keeps sending Kamla Harris to Asia, probably because they figure the language barrier will keep the embarssment to a minimum. Last year Harris laid flowers at a  memorial mocking the capture of RINO John McCain in Vietnam and this year she hit up the DMZ to make an ass of herself.

In the zone between North and South Korea, Harris announced a startling shift in U.S. foreign policy:

“The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea and it is an alliance that is strong and enduring,” said Harris.

Really? North Korea? Kim Jong Un must have just dropped a load in his pants.

I wish there was more to this clip, for some reason there is not a longer version available, because it sounded like Harris was going to go on one of her patented repeated word salads:

“Because as allies, we have to ally to form an alliance, which is what makes alliances so allied.”

If they address this at all, the White House and the liberal media will excuse this as Kamaltoe misspeaking, but that can’t be the case.

One could be forgiven if they forgot which one of the Dakotas, North or South, has Mount Rushmore, but does anyone struggle to remember which one of the Koreas is that bad one? Apparently Kamala Harris does.

What makes it weirder is that back when she was unsuccessfully running for president, Harris slammed Donald Trump for meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un:

“We cannot put our arms and embrace this North Korean dictator in the way this president has done,” said Harris.

Harris even said the “Donald Trump got punked” into meeting with Kim Jong Un.

And now here she is claiming we have an important alliance with North Korea.

I’ll tell you might have happened: Yesterday, Joe Biden was caught talking to a dead Congresswoman and then got lost on a stage even after his wife Jill showed him the way. The White House must have called up Harris and told her to say something stupid to take the heat of of Alzheimers Joe.

Either that, or Harris is becoming POC Biden. Look at that video again. She’s got on the aviator shades just like Joe and she said something insanely stupid, also just like Joe. Harris must figure that if she can be a close approximation of Biden that the democratic party will let her run for president in 2024.

Remember when Bush Sr.’s veep Dan Quayle misspelled a word and the press mocked him as a dummy for decades? Kamala Harris says something idiotic on a daily basis and the liberal media treats her like she’s and intellectual consequential political force.