Biden Finally Admits He Can’t Do Anything To Stop COVID-19

Joe spent the 2020 presidential campaign bragging about how he was going to shut down COVID-19 on “day one.” On day 341 of his illegitimate presidency, Joe has finally admitted that he can’t do shit to shut the virus down. Hopefully this has a snowball effect and he cops to all of his other failures as well.

Biden met virtually with the National Governors Association to talk about the federal response to the COVID-19 Omicron variant. Biden walked into the fake White house set wearing a mask and looking disoriented. He eventually found his desk and took off his mask.

“Lotta govs,” said Biden with bewilderment.

If it was more than 50 governors, I could see Biden being in shock, but it wasn’t.

“You ready?” asked Biden with a dopey grin.

He seriously had no idea what was going on.

Arkansas Governor, Asa Hutchinson, spoke briefly and then invited Joe to tell the rest of the governors his response to kick COVID’s ass. It turns out, his response is nothing:

“Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level,” said Biden.

But what about all of Biden’s mask and vaccine mandates? Those were at the federal level. Is this also an admission that everything he’s been doing for the past year was bullshit?

This is a far cry from chest-thumping candidate Biden who criticized Donald Trump’s response to COVID-19 and claimed he’d kick the virus’ ass if he were elected.

He was certainly slow in opening the country up, something that still hasn’t happened 100%. He did actually manage to shut down the economy with high inflation and shitty jobs numbers. As for the virus however, Biden has done absolutely nothing to shut it down. In fact, new cases of COVID-19 are as bad as they were a year ago when he promised to shut it down on day one.

Making this a super-Biden event, Joe talked for about 8 minutes and then kicked the press out of the fake White House to take questions from the governors. And with that, the video feed was cut.

What was the actual point of this? Biden brought all these reporters into the fake White House sound stage only to throw them out after a couple of minutes. It blows my mind that the liberal media protects this guy so much when all he does is jerk them around.

Certainly nobody from the fake news industry is reporting that Biden has admitted he is powerless to do anything about the COVID-19 pandemic after spending so much time bragging that he’d shut it down.

And let’s not kid ourselves here, this is a pretty big news story. Joe has finally come to terms with the fact that he’s been completely full of shit for almost 2 years. He’s admitting failure and accepting defeat.

This is very uncharacteristic for Biden but I figure his dementia is so bad that he’s become completely disassociated from himself. Maybe he thinks Joe Biden is some guy he sees on TV and he’s basically saying, “That guy wouldn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”