Kamala Harris Compares January 6 To Pearl Harbor And 9/11

2,403 Americans died on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. 2,996 people died when Islamic terrorists attacked us on September 11, 2001. One unarmed Trump supporter was shot to death on January 6, 2021 as group of nuckleheads wandered calmly through the halls of the Capitol. Kamala Harris figures these are all pretty much the same thing.

Kamala Harris knew that democrats were going to go overboard to celebrate the anniversary of one of the least important things to even happen, so she stepped up her bullshit game to get some attention:

“Certain dates echo throughout history, including days that instantly remind all who have lived through them, where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy, not only a place on our calendars but also a place in our collective memory. December 7, 1941, September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021,” said Harris.

Please stop trying to make January 6 happen, Kamaltoe. This is both bullshit and incredibly insulting to those who died at Pearl Harbor and on 9/11.

If she’s looking for a day to compare January 6 with, how about May 12, 1985. What happened on May 12, 2985? Nobody knows or cares the same way they don’t give a shit about some mild protests last January.

I was going to at least give Kamal Harris some credit for not busting out in laughter but she did kind of slip. While saying, “With you, the people” she cracked a smile and let out a little chuckle. I don’t know why that was funny, but Kamalatoe tends to laugh at things that only she finds hilarious. She also started to cackle as she read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Funny f*ckin’ stuff.

The White House must have known this overwrought comparison was going to create some stink, so Spinderella Jen Psaki was ready with an excuse:

“Vice president Harris, in her remarks today, compared January 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Can you elaborate on what the thinking was behind that comparison? She’s facing some criticism especially in conservative circles for that,” asked a reporter.

Those damn conservatives!

“Well I would first say that uh, as the president also said in his remarks, if we look back to some very difficult moments in our history, back in 1861 there were no Confederate being raised, being waved in the Capitol. In very dark moments in our history there were not people storming our nation’s Capitol, trying to take over the office, and even threatening the Speaker of the House,” Psaki said.

In answer to the question, is it ridiculous for Kamala Harris to compare January 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, Psaki says no because January 6 was actually worse than the Civil War, where 750,000 Americans died.

“For those who are being critics of the vice president’s remarks, I think instead of focusing on or analyzing comparisons of moments in history, I would suggest that they be a part of solving the threat to democracy that occurs today. That is happening today,” said Psaki.

Pay not attention to how full of shit Kamala Harris is because something that is worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Civil War, and January 6 is going on right now!

Psaki never explained what this great threat to our democracy that is going on today is, but there’s a democrat in the White House and democrats control both chambers of Congress, so presumably she’s trying to warn us about her party’s efforts to destroy America.

Democrats blew their whole wad trying to make January 6 into something it wasn’t. Wait till they see they polling and realize how little anyone in American cares about this crap. Actually, if they considered what the people of this country care about, they wouldn’t be democrats so I’m sure they’ll drag this shit out forever.