Gavin Newsom Finally Admits The State He’s Running Looks Like A ‘Third World Country’

California is a shithole and the reason it’s that way is because the place has been run into the ground by democrats. In one of the least self-aware moments ever, California Governor Gavin Newsom looked at what he and his party have done to the Golden State and admitted it looks like a third world country.

There are tracks through Los Angeles in which tons of freight moves every day. Because LA is a major metropolitan area, the trains must slow down moving through the city. Because California no longer prosecutes people for stealing, thieves descend upon these slow moving trains and raid them for their treasures. Everything else is discarded and there are mountains of trash all over the city.

Gavin Newsom visited some of this crime-related garbage for a photo-op and was shocked by what democratic party leadership looks like:

“I see what you see. I see what you’ve been covering. I see what everybody’s been seeing, asking myself, ‘what the hell is going on?'” Newsom said.

It’s called democrats being in charge. When you stop arresting, prosecuting, and jailing people for theft, there is no deterrent. Why wouldn’t people steal shit if there’s a zero percent chance they’ll ever get in trouble?

“It looked like a third world country,” Newsom added.

That may be the first time Newsom was right about anything. He and the democrats have transformed the entire state into something that looks like Haiti and smells like Guatemala. He doesn’t get any points for being right however because he didn’t acknowledge his role in the shitholing of California.

He did however seem to blame the media:

“These images. The drawn images that were on the nightly news day in and day out. Some networks weaponizing them for their own political agenda,” said Newsom.

Pretty sure that was a shot at Fox News. Not only won’t Newsom own the disaster he created, he’s getting shitty with Fox for reporting on it.

As clueless as Newsom was on his responsibility for the sharp spike in crime, he was equally in the dark about what to do about it:

“This is not one-off. This is organized. They’re organized groups of folks that move from site to site. When there’s more attention, a bright light, they move to the next site,” Newsom said.

You know, if you arrested the thieves and put them in prison, they wouldn’t move on to the next site because they’d be incarcerated. Just a thought.

During this photo-op, Newsom picked up 3 flatten boxes because he’s all about working hard and making a difference. He started to pick up a bag of shit but it was too icky for him.

What’s going on with Newsom is the same thing that’s happening in democrat run cities all over the country: Liberals are waking up to the fact that their cities are filthy and unsafe. What they can’t seem to understand is why?

Since I know that Def-Con News is the number one destination for liberal ass wipes, I’ll explain it to them: Liberals vote for democrats who then create policies that favor criminals and scumbags. In absence of any sort of law enforcement, crime rises and bums takeover all public spaces. Liberals find themselves the victims of this crime in a city covered in human waste and then reelect those same democrats who caused the problem in the first place to “fix” things.