Jamie Lee Curtis Defends ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Against President Trump’s ‘Slander’

You knew this was coming. U.S. Special Forces took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Sunday and President Trump used some unflattering words to describe the brutal terrorist and his death. Because Trump Derangement Syndrome makes liberals love everyone Trump hates, Jamie Lee Curtis defended the rapist beheader against the President’s “slander.”

In a press conference Sunday morning, President Trump announced the Special Forces operation that took out Baghdadi. Americans raided his compound and when cornered in a tunnel, the ISIS leader detonated a suicide vest killing himself and three of his children. Even in death this guy was a real piece of crap. Trump didn’t sugar-coat his opinion of the worst person on the planet:

“He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way.”

“The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread, terrified of the American forces bearing down on him.”

“Baghdadi and the losers who worked for him — and losers they are — they had no idea what they were getting into.”

“Last night was a great night for the United States and for the world.  A brutal killer, one who has caused so much hardship and death, has violently been eliminated.  He will never again harm another innocent man, woman, or child.  He died like a dog.  He died like a coward.  The world is now a much safer place.”

Androgynous scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis wasn’t quite as excited that the United States took out the #1 bad guy on the planet and was concerned with both President Trump’s harsh words as well as Baghdadi’s feelings:

She is aware that Baghdadi blew himself up, right? It’s a choice he made because he didn’t want to face justice for the humanitarian war crimes he committed include beheading, child rape, torture, and murder. Is it weird that Curtis is concerned he suffered in his suicide, but not about the suffering his thousands of victims endured? Not when you factor in her TDS.

Curtis also gave Trump crap for his lack of warfare experience, using it as a pretext for disqualifying the President from commenting on the death of one of our enemies. He is the Commander-in-Chief and according to Curtis’ IMBD, she also has never served in the military or participated in combat. How is she suddenly the expert on the horrors of war?

Lastly, Curtis is particularly incensed that President Trump said Baghdadi “died like a dog.” Relax, lady. It’s just an expression and it’s based on vicious, feral, or rabid dogs having to be put down. Go watch Old Yeller to get a better understanding of this. I own a dog and found absolutely no offense in this, but then again I’m not a rabid liberal kook.

This is who liberals really are. They are for whatever Trump is against. Trump could bad mouth Hitler and the left would cry that he invented VW and the autobahn, while calling the President a fascist. This just happened so look for the left in the coming days to come out in full force supporting Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. By the end of the week he will be sainted by liberals and the House democrats will call for Trump’s impeachment for taking his sorry ass out.