Most Americans Reject New Gun Control, Want Enforcement Of Existing Laws

In more proof that democrats are completely out of touch with the will of the people, it turns a vast majority of Americans do not want any new gun control laws. Adding another blow to the democratic party platform, most Americans say that existing gun laws should be enforced. When democrats say the people are demanding gun control laws and social justice, it’s as big of a lie as everything else they spew.

Joe Biden has at various times claimed that most Americans want stricter gun control laws and favor his plans to ban “assault weapons” and create a national gun registry. The numbers in his lie change on each telling, but he has claimed up to 90% of Americans want more gun control, including gun owners.

And yet the results of a new Rasmussen poll beg to differ:

While President Joe Biden has called on Congress to pass more gun control laws, most Americans believe stricter enforcement of existing laws would do more to reduce violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of American Adults believe the United States needs stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws. Twenty-eight percent (28%) disagree.

So only 28% of Americans want stricter gun control? Wow, Biden was way off, wasn’t he?

Much of the democrats’ platform revolves around destroying the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms and hardly anyone in the country supports that. Even worse for the dems is that this is people saying that crime is out of control and something needs to be done about. Another facet of the democrats’ shitty platform is social justice, which basically means defunding the police and stopping the arrest and prosecution of people (mostly black) for crimes they have committed.

This poll should be a wake up call to democrats that people aren’t buying the garbage they are pushing. Gun control and social justice are losing platforms. They however won’t read the room and will continue to push shit that isn’t a priority for any voter.

Biden in particular doesn’t want better enforcement of existing gun laws because his beloved crackhead son, Hunter, would go to jail.

Back when Hunter was banging his dead brother’s widow, Hallie, there was an incident in which she took his .38 revolver and put in a garbage can near a school. When they came back to retrieve it, the gun was gone. Failing to secure a firearm and letting it fall into the hands of criminal is a crime, but there was more to this story.

Through the corse of the investigation, the FBI learned that Hunter had lied on his 4473 form when he purchased the gun. You can’t be a raging crackhead and legally purchase a firearm and this was at the height of Hunter’s addiction so he obviously lied on the form. That’s a federal felony punishable by 5 years in prison.

All the evidence needed to convict Hunter is on that 4473 form and his autobiography where he admits to using and abusing controlled substances at the time he purchased the gun. This would be a slam-dunk but Papa Joe doesn’t want to do anything that would seriously put a dent in crime.