Attendees Of Biden’s SOTU Address Have To Mask Up And Pass A COVID Test

Joe Biden is really hoping nobody shows up to watch him fumble through his State of the Union Address. The rules for attendance have just been put out and everyone must wear a mask and have a negative COVID-19 test within 24 hours. This is like putting major restrictions on going to Smash Mouth: nobody really wants to go in the first place and the hassle makes it not worth the trouble.

The Hill reports:

The House sergeant-at-arms announced on Thursday that all members of Congress will be allowed to attend the State of the Union next month, after attendance at President Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress last year was limited because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

William Walker, in a memo to all members of Congress, invited press and credentialed staff, and also laid out a number of COVID-19 safety measures all attendees are required to follow in order to listen to the speech in the chamber on March 1.

Attendees must present a negative COVID-19 test that was taken at the Capitol Visitors Center within one day of the speech and wear a KN95 or N95 mask.

Walker also said attendees must show proof of a daily negative health screening inventory prior to entry, socially distance during the speech, avoid physical contact with others and use waterless hand cleanser upon entering the chamber.

At some point during this speech, Joe Biden will most certainly declare that he has single-handily defeated COVID-19. It will be a hilarious juxtaposition for him to say this to room full of fully-vaccinated people wearing masks. The irony will be lost on every single democrat.

I’m curious to see if they physically stop Republicans from entering the chamber if they refuse to comply with these ridiculous mask and test mandates. There have to be at least 100 Republicans in Congress who won’t wear a mask or get tested.

My guess is, most Republicans will not be attendance. It’s bad enough to have to listen to Biden try to speak for hours, but to do it with a suffocating mask on would be unbearable.

Another rule this year is nobody is allowed to bring guests. Too bad democrats can’t fill the gallery with illegal aliens, jihadists, and bullet sponges. Then again, rules are for Republicans, not democrats, so there will probably be a nice contingent of leftist shitbags on hand.

Since Powermad Pelosi is in charge, I’m surprised she hasn’t put some added restrictions on attending the SOTU:

Everyone must cheer every time Biden lies about what a great job he’s done.

No laughing when he butchers the English language.

Pretend like it’s normal when his brain freezes.

When Biden dozes off, nobody is allowed to yell “Wake the f*ck up!”

All women and children in attendance agree to be fondled and sniffed.

If Republicans do attend, I suspect there will be quite a few “Let’s Go Brandon” masks on their faces. Maybe that’s why they are requiring KN95 masks. They don’t think anyone can get “LGB” or “FJB” printed on one of those. I bet they’re wrong.