AOC Has A Creepy Crush On Tucker Carlson

When confronted with appropriate criticism, the old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would accuse her critics of being afraid of an empowered woman of color. The new AOC however just says her detractors want to have sex with her. After Tucker Carlson summed AOC up succinctly, the dimwit NY Rep. said he wants a booty call with her. Obviously she has a creepy crush on him.

This all starts with an astute observation from Tucker Carlson:

“The funniest of all is hearing Sandy Cortez describe herself as a woman of color. She often does. No one ever dares to challenge that description but every honest person knows it is hilariously absurd. There is no place on Earth outside American colleges and newsrooms where Sandy Cortez would be recognized as a quote woman of color because she’s not. She’s a rich entitled white lady. She’s the pampered obnoxious ski bunny in the matching snow suit who tells you to pull up your mask while you’re standing in the lift line at Jackson Hole. They’re all the same. It doesn’t matter what shade they are,” said Carlson.

Sarcasm is lost on the left, because Carlson is obviously making fun of the fact that AOC pretends to be a poor oppressed minority when she is actually a rich privileged elite. He isn’t saying she is literally white, he’s saying she is literally full of shit.

Speaking of which…

I guess this is AOC’s attempt at wit. It unfortunately falls flat because Tucker Carlson’s name doesn’t start or end with any of those letters. For the record, she was trying to call him a “pendejo” which is Spanish for “idiot.” Who’s the idiot now?

And it gets worse. In another clip, Carlson remarks how AOC seems to invite stalking with her weird social media posts:

Which naturally sent AOC off the deep end:

“Basura” is Spanish for “trash” and she should know.

So it’s not that Tucker Carlson’s criticism of AOC is accurate, he wants a booty call with her? Why is someone who is so unattractive, both physically and spiritually, convinced that everyone wants to bang her?

Democrats are the party of projection in that everything they accuse others of, they are guilty of. AOC obviously has a huge crush on Tucker Carlson but she can’t come right out and say it.