Mitch McConnell Is Pushing Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Through the Senate Despite Her Horrible Leniency with Pedophiles—Terry Schilling on the War Room (VIDEO)

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is trying to stop any challenges to Biden’s Supreme Court Justice nominee—a clear disaster.  

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Terry Schilling, President, American Principles Project, who sums up his mission by stating, “We’ve got to save America – but in order to save America – we have to save the family,” was on The War Room with Steve Bannon.

For more information on the American Principles Project, go to

Terry Schilling, on The War Room on Friday, discussed the horrible record of Biden’s pick for the nation’s top court.

Judge Katanji Brown Jackson has been excessively lenient on child sex offenders.

In one instance she gave a convicted offender three months when the minimum recommended sentence was ten years.

Her time on the court is at a minimum, yet everyone knows she will be the most radical and anti-American justice in US history.

“Toxic…Misinformation…Cherry-Picked”: White House Defends Radical Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson After Sen. Hawley Exposes Her Disgraceful Child Porn Rulings Record