Joe Biden Proclaims That God Is Transgender

Being a whacko leftist and a devout Catholic has its conflicts. Joe Biden struggles to explain his faith and his support for killing unborn babies, which are at odds with one another. As for his anti-Catholic love of gender bending weirdos, Biden thinks he may have found the key by proclaiming that God is transgender.

Biden doesn’t celebrate normal holidays and certainly not patriotic ones but when it comes to the multitude of LGBT remembrances, Joe’s all over it. Today is Transgender Day of Visibility and the illegitimate president showed he’s legitimately insane:

If trannies were made in the image of God, as Biden claims, that means he thinks that God is a Tranny. I’m not Catholic but that’s gotta be either heresy or blasphemy.

The thing is, the entire concept of transgenderism is an affront to God. Transgenders are saying God got it wrong for giving them genitals that don’t match their gender identity.

Somehow the video is worse:

“To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you,” said Biden.

Joe can’t even see the teleprompter. How is is going to see chicks with dicks all over the country? Also, besides Joe, who the f*ck is celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility? Are there parades?

“Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees who you are, made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support,” Biden said.

Yeah, you know, the dignity of being a hairy-ass man in a dress, trying to use the women’s bathroom.

“But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you and respect you,” said Biden.

We see ’em and that’s where the lack of respect comes from.

After complaining about “anti-transgender” laws, Biden vowed to fight them with everything he’s got.

“We’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, work, in our military,” Biden said.

Speaking of tranning up the military, check out this completely ridiculous thing:

Vladimir Putin watched that video and thought he should have invaded the U.S. because his forces would face less resistance than in Ukraine.

Biden finished off his video by encouraging parents to turn their kids into transgender freaks:

“To parents of transgender children affirming you child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy,” Biden said.

So if you have a tomboy girl or a boy who likes playing with dolls, get them started on hormone therapy right away. Don’t take an chance that it’s juts a phase.

If Joe Biden is such a good Catholic, why is is working so hard to go to hell? Calling God a tranny and encouraging parents to correct God’s “mistakes” seems like a one-way ticket to the eternal fire. Again, I’m not a Catholic, but I don’t get the impression they have a sense of humor about this stuff.