Maxine Waters Tells Homeless People To ‘Go Home’

Joe Biden once demanded a paraplegic man in a wheelchair “stand up” but this is actually worse. After promising people free housing vouchers, Maxine Waters told the homeless to “go home.” She then dropped an F-bomb and threatened a reporter. It’s a good thing she’s a democrat or the media might have a problem with this disturbing behavior.

The basic gist of this story is that there was an event in Los Angeles to give housing vouchers to the homeless. Because homelessness is a pandemic in LA, more people showed up than could be taken care of. California Rep. Maxine Waters was on hand to bask in her own awesomeness when everything went to shit.

There weren’t enough housing vouchers nor were their enough workers to process the overwhelming demand. Maxine had to break it to the crowd that they were getting jerked around.

After informing the homeless people that they would not be getting Section 8 housing vouchers, she told them, “I want everyone to go home.”

“We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here. What home we gonna go to?” asked an angry homeless woman.

Maxine was stumped. She literally had no response to this reasonable question. Instead, she started bragging about how much money she personally got the federal government to pay to help the Los Angeles homelessness crisis.

Someone else pointed out the failure of both Waters and the Housing Authority and she lost her shit.

“Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f*cking harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no,” Water said.

Maxine Waters’ district is the shittiest part of LA and has been every single day of the 31 years she’s been in office. Incidentally, Waters doesn’t live in her district, she has a mansion in a much nicer part of town.

This is already bad, but it gets worse. The LA Times was on hand for this fiasco and wanted to get a quote from Waters for their story. She chose to threaten the reporter instead:

Waters declined to address specific questions about the events and her Friday remarks during a phone call from Washington on Tuesday morning, instead saying “it’s a bunch of rumors” and requesting that this story not be published.

“You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together without background. I don’t want you to start trying to write it, you won’t understand it,” said Waters.

I’ve been told that this type of behavior is a threat to the 1st Amendment and will end up getting journalists killed. Maybe it’s only when Trump calls the liberal media “fake news” when they publish fake news. I forget how it works.

Waters had one last shot at the homeless, telling the LA Times those people “were confused.”

If a Republican had displayed this level of tone deafness and hostility, it would be a national catastrophe. With Maxine Waters, her democratness, blackness, womaness protect her from any scrutiny.