Pete Buttigeig Agrees That Not Teaching Kindergartners About Gay Sex Will Kill Children

Florida’s newly enacted Parental Rights in Education Law, which liberals have falsely labeled the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” simply bans teaching kids in K through 3 about any kind of sexuality, gay or straight. Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigeig, who himself is gay, agrees with the left that not teaching kindergartners about gay butt sex will end up killing children.

Buttigeig was on The View talking with “conservative” Ana Navarro about non-transportation-related things:

“In my sate, Florida, with the so-call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law, now, which he says will kill kids, do you agree and, you know, as a politician, it shouldn’t, this this, strikes you as your husband is a teacher, you are obviously LGBTQ yourself and you are now a parent. How do you feel?” Navarro asked.

It’s unclear who “he” is that says the Florida law will kill kids and shocking to learn that Pete Buttigeig is a lesbian gay bisexual trans queer.

“Yeah, and he’s right,” replied Buttigieg.

Again, I have no idea who “he” is but Buttigeig agrees with him that the Florida law will kill children.

Now, I’m trying to imagine a scenario where this would make any sense. Perhaps a rogue member of the Gaystappo kidnaps a group of kindergartners and holds them at gunpoint.

“Tell me what a rim job is or I’ll blow your adorable little heads off,” demands Cha Cha LaFlame.

“I’m sorry, they didn’t teach us that yet,” proclaims little Cindy Thompson.

Boom! Cindy is no more. If only her class had some gay pornography lessons, she’d still be with us.

This is literally the most ridiculous thing liberals have claimed about Florida’s parental rights law. Did Pete Buttigeig learn about gay sexuality in kindergarten? No? Than maybe he should explain how he is still miraculously alive.

Somehow Buttigeig’s answer got stupider:

“I think every law should be judged for the effect it’s gonna have upon real people in real life,” said Buttigeig.

You mean like how millions of real Americans are suffering from the inflation caused by the Biden administration’s reckless spending and shitty policies?

Hilariously enough, Buttigeig covered that:

“I get the political reasons why they’re doing this, by the way some of those political reasons are suh, they don’t have a plan on anything else, right? I mean, they don’t have a plan on dealing with inflation or dealing with gas prices or dealing with the issues,” Buttigeig said.

Someone should remind Buttigeig which political party currently controls the White House and Congress. Buttigeig’s premise is that the Republicans, who have no power, are responsible for inflation and high gas prices. Actually, his premise is that Republicans are killing children and causing prices to spike. And, if you really look at what he said, he’s claiming that Republicans are killing children because they don’t have a plan for inflation.

Joe Biden selected most members of his cabinet because they check off at least one box in the aggrieved minority category and we’re seeing why that’s a colossal failure. Pete Buttigieg is an absolute moron who knows nothing about transportation. Hire people because they’re good, not because they have a vagina or hate vaginas.