Without Much Else Going On, Here’s A Bunch Of Stories About Lesbians

If that seems like a click-bait headline I apologize. Have you ever noticed how the fantasy of hot girl of girl action in porno is in stark contrast to the reality of lesbianism? Since it’s kind of a slow news day, here are some reminders that porno is lie.

First up we have this story about a lesbian who claims she was denied a promotion at Chili’s because she refused to wear female clothing:

When I was asked to learn more about Chili’s new Certified Shift Leader program, which would allow me to take another step up the corporate ladder, I was thrilled. I attended a seminar about the program in June. I never thought that what I wore to the seminar would cause the end of my Chili’s career.

I attended the seminar wearing an outfit I felt confident in — a men’s button-up shirt, fitted slacks, and boat shoes. It was professional attire and similar to what I saw male managers wear to work. But after the seminar, my manager relayed to me that his boss, the district manager, had seen me at the seminar and thought my clothes were inappropriate. I brushed it off and applied to be a certified shift leader anyway.

After interviewing with the district manager, I was offered the promotion — on one condition: I needed to “dress more gender appropriate,” in the words of my manager. I asked him, “Are you telling me that I need to have my breasts hanging out to be successful in your company?” He answered, “Not in those words.” I asked him why I could not wear a chef-style coat like the one he was wearing and he replied, “It’s for boys.”

No, it is not. I am speaking out now to tell that manager — and every other person who thinks similarly — that women do not need to be stereotypically feminine in order to get a promotion or be an effective employee or manager.

I couldn’t continue to work at a place where my willingness to conform to a stereotype was more important than my job performance. So I left a job that I enjoyed and said goodbye to the coworkers I considered family.

Short story long, this lesbian quit her job and is now filing a sex discrimination complaint with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, with the help of the ACLU. Let me say this again: she quit and was not fired.

Next, there is this lesbian story that reaffirms people have the right to be morally opposed to homosexuality:

A federal judge this week ruled against a lesbian couple who sued a Missouri retirement home for rejecting their apartment application because their marriage is not “understood in the Bible.”

Bev Nance, 68, and Mary Walsh, 72, were married a decade ago in Massachusetts and have been in a committed relationship for roughly 40 years.

When they applied to move into the Friendship Village senior living facility, they did so “because it is in their community, they have friends there, and it offers services that would allow them to stay together there for the rest of their lives,” said Julie Wilensky, an attorney representing the couple.

But once Friendship Village staff found that Nance and Walsh are married, they told the couple that they were not allowed to move in, because the home did not condone homosexuality. The letter they received said that the only married couples they accepted were those in unions between “one man and one woman.”

The couple sued, alleging “discrimination on the basis of sex,” and a federal judge in Missouri ruled Wednesday that “sexual orientation rather than sex lies at the heart of Plaintiffs’ claims.”

And the ruling was both correct and hilarious:

“At no time do Plaintiffs assert that had they been men involved in a same-sex relationship or marriage, they would have been admitted as residents in Friendship Village,” Hamilton wrote in the court’s decision. “Under these circumstances, the Court finds the claims boil down to those of discrimination based on sexual orientation rather than sex alone.”

And finally, it’s not just priests who give love a bad name:

Theresa Camden remembers lying on the floor next to the nun supervising her training and feeling something was wrong. Another first-year novice in the small religious order of the Home Visitors of Mary was on the other side of the nun. They were alone in a house in a vacation area outside Detroit; the nun had brought them there on the first of many weekend retreats the three took together.

“We would often lie close to her,” recalls Camden. “I remember her telling us we had a deep and wholesome spiritual relationship.”

These sorts of experiences with the nun confused Camden, who says she was very naive.

After three years of training, in 1972 both novices were suddenly kicked out of the order with no explanation. Five years after that, Camden says the other novice confirmed that she had been having a sexual relationship with Sister Mary Finn during their training.

Another long story short, or whatever I said before, Sister Mary Finn resigned her position a half a century after forcing two women into a homosexual relationship. Better late than never, I guess.

So how do I wrap up this story? I don’t, but I should mention there ain’t a looker in the bunch. It’s like porno has been lying to us all these years. The next thing you know, It’ll turn out that pool boys and pizza delivery guys don’t constantly get laid by hot lonely housewives.