Three US Intel Officials Tell NBC News That the “Intelligence” Biden Released on Russia/Ukraine Was Made Up (VIDEO)

NBC News on Wednesday evening casually admitted that the “intelligence” Biden released claiming Russia was planning a false flag operation as a pretext to invade Ukraine was totally made up.

This from

There were also claims of chemical weapons or Russia asking China for help.

NBC’s Ken Dilanian, one of the Biden Regime’s most loyal stenographers, tried his best to spin this in a positive light.

“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence when we talk about it. It’s more important to get out ahead of them—Putin specifically—before they do something. It’s preventative,” a US intel official told NBC News.

“Preventative” is reporting for effect, yes? It’s reporting with the intent to change an outcome.


From the old Journalism 101, Document Do Not Create.

In February the Biden State Department claimed there was intel indicating Russia was going to use crisis actors to carry out a false flag event before invading Ukraine—but AP reporter Matt Lee wasn’t buying any of it and ripped into the Department’s spokesman.

Matt Lee wasn’t buying it and accused the State Department of fabricating evidence.

“You have shown no evidence to confirm that…I mean this is like crisis actors? Really? This is like Alex Jones territory you’re getting into,” Matt Lee said.

From a line out of an old Mel Brooks movie, “It’s good to be the king,” taken one step further: ‘It’s good to be the king and to have a corrupt mass propaganda media complicit with my every action is even better.’

The current News Reporting with the bent to be “preventative” must be brought to a quick end.

Unfortunately, our Republican representation currently does not possess the required backbone for such action.