Al Sharpton Warns Democrats They’re Losing The Black Vote

Nobody should listen to Al Sharpton but for some reason democrats do. The race-hustling reverend is warning democrats that they are losing the black vote. This is probably less of a warning and more of a suggestion (extortion) that they give him money to secure the black vote for them.

Sharpton was on Morning Joe with Forehead-a-saurus Joe Scarborough who warned democrats they are too woke:

“Let me say it slowly for my Democratic friends in Washington, D.C.: Black voters are more conservative than you are, White woke leaders in Washington, D.C. Hispanic voters are more conservative than you are, White woke leaders in Washington, D.C., Asian-American voters are more conservative than you are … They’re more conservative on crime, they’re more conservative on education, they’re more conservative on these woke issues,” said Scarborough.

Scarborough used the election of Joe Biden as proof that minorities are conservative, which is exactly as dumb as it sounds.

Scarborough then beseeched Sharpton to explain to the “white woke” democrats what”s going in in the hood:

“They’re losing people of color because they really don’t get the people of color’s life. If you are living in a city, in a neighbor, that is inundated with crime, and you act like that’s not an issue you’ve already lost me. That is an issue. You cannot ignore when 12-year-old kids who is somebody’s niece and neighbor is killed, and you act like that’s a nonissue because you’re too elitist to live on the ground,” said Sharpton.

That’s fascinating considering that earlier in the segment, Sharpton was bitching about police reform and complaining that police mistreat black people. How is anyone supposed to address the crime in black neighborhoods if they can’t arrest the black criminals responsible for it?

“We don’t want to be manipulated by right-wing elitist billionaires or by left-wing guys that don’t understand our life on the ground that is living in fear of crime, that is living as a result of inflation that is killing us in many parts of the country. We need gas to go to work,” Sharpton said.

So black peopl aren’t going to vote for anyone? I bet whoever gives Sharpton the most money will get the black vote. Or at least an endorsement form Sharpton.

“These beltway elitists, these limousine liberals here in New York, don’t live in the real world and Blacks have to, and browns have to deal with the real world every day, and we don’t sit in crowded subways reading left-wing or right-wing propaganda,” Sharpton finished.

Can we call Latinos “browns?” Isn’t that as racist as calling Asians “yellows?”

Also, does Sharpton life in the “real world” like the black folks worried about crime? I bet, with all the money he’s swindled and all the taxes he hasn’t paid, that he lives in a pretty nice place.

The thing is, Sharpton is partly right here. Joe Biden in the White House and democrat-control of Congress has been such a disaster that even black people are starting to question their blind loyalty to the democratic party.

See, Biden doesn’t just destroy America and the world, he’s also burning his own party to the ground. Maybe that’s what he meant by saying he would unite the country. Everyone, black, white, left, and right, thinks he sucks the big one.