Biden Admin Issues A Threat To Elon Musk After Twitter Purchase: ‘Keep Censoring The Right Or Face Harsh Consequences’

The Biden regime has issued a strong warning to Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter: Keep suppressing users and censoring the Right or face serious consequences.

This from

Jen Psaki, Biden’s press secretary, made a veiled warning to Twitter and its new owner, Elon Musk, by claiming that the Biden administration has long been “concerned” about the “damage” caused by “big social media platforms.”

Far-left reporter Andrea Shalal asked Psaki during a Monday press briefing:

Are you concerned about purveyors of election misinformation, disinformation, health falsehoods having more of an opportunity to speak there on Twitter?

Is there any message that you would convey to Elon Musk?

Psaki responded that Big Tech platforms “must be held accountable for the harms they cause.”

It’s too obvious that a particular ‘Question’ and a particular ‘Answer’ go well together, much like a ‘Glove’ and a ‘Hand’. Prior coordination, no doubt: ‘Ask me that and I’ll answer with this’. One ultra lib to another. Hurry up Karma.

“No matter who owns or runs Twitter, [Joe-Joe] has long been concerned about the power of large social media platforms, the power they have over our everyday lives,” Psaki said.

Bull Sh*t.

“He’s long argued that tech platforms must be held accountable for the harms they cause.”

No he hasn’t. Joe-Joe has long been cognitively inept. He has long lacked the mental capacity to tie his own shoes and wipe his own ass.

“Our concerns are not new. We’ve long talked about and [Joe-Joe] has long talked about his concerns about the power of social platforms, including Twitter to spread misinformation, disinformation, the need for [them] to be held accountable.”

All lies. This will be an interesting case for the partially compromised Supreme Court, otherwise the Regime is blowing multi-colored smoke. reports:

Psaki went on to say that Biden’s team would review Section 230 protections, which allows Big Tech to moderate and censor content online.

He’s been a strong supporter of fundamental reforms to achieve that goal, including reforms to Section 230, enacting antitrust reforms, requiring more transparency, and he’s encouraged that there’s bipartisan interest in Congress.

Psaki’s remarks represent a dramatic about-face by the Biden regime, which previously defended Section 230 when President Trump sued Twitter for deplatforming him in 2021.

Of course, now that a billionaire who doesn’t subscribe to their woke groupthink is in charge of Twitter, Biden’s handlers and the left are suddenly eager to rein in its influence.

After all, where was the Biden regime when Twitter and other Big Tech platforms censored the true story of Hunter Biden’s laptop weeks before the 2020 presidential election?

America’s Civil War II is not yet kinetic but the decades-old war of words and political treachery is escalating. Conservatism is finally responding effectively and the democrat-communists are increasing their level of deceit and corruption. Don’t expect the communists to retreat or surrender.

Conservatism must continue to challenge the enemy’s every move, they must do everything imaginable to minimize election fraud in November, they must be prepared for challenges to every Republican win, and they must anticipate and be prepared to counter every false flag.

The democrat-communists who have assumed control of America will not accept defeat. They must be totally annihilated in whichever form that entails.

May God and our hard work save America.