Joe Biden Has Been Blowing Off His Weekly Lunches With Kamala Harris

This is one of the few things that I don’t find fault with about Joe Biden. After promising to have weekly lunches with Kamala Harris, Joe has only dined with Kacklin’ Kamaltoe 2 times this year. Again, who could blame him? Even in his state of dementia it has to be intolerable to spend an hour with that shrill dimwit.

The NY Post reports Kamala’s latest public humiliation:

At the start of his administration, President Biden said he wanted to work closely with Vice President Kamala Harris – including having lunch together once a week, a practice he famously enjoyed with Barack Obama as his No. 2.

In February of last year, Biden told People magazine that he “made the same deal with her that Barack and I made” when it came to Oval Office drop-in privileges and meeting access.

“When Barack and I were working out our relationship early on, he said, ‘Do you have any requests?’ And I said, ‘Well just one: I get to be the last person in the room on every important decision. Not because you have to listen [or] do what I want. You make the decision,’” Biden told the outlet.

“I wanted her available to participate in everything that I did. As I told her: I wanted her to be the last person in the room,” he added. 

“[Like Barack and I, we have lunch alone once a week. That’s the deal when we’re both in the country, which we’ll be for a while because of COVID, and I see her all the time.”

But Kamala Harris is no Barrack Obama and things haven’t worked out like Joe had hoped:

However, so far this year, the pair has only lunched together twice, a new analysis finds.

…records of the president’s public schedule show that in 2022, Biden and Harris were scheduled for lunch in the private dining room on just Feb. 8 and March 30.

We’re almost 4 months into 2022 so that means Biden has blown Harris off around 14 times. That’s gotta sting for Harris who is already maladjusted and insecure.

This thing from The Daily Mail probably won’t help her build confidence either:

In a meeting last May, Biden tried to persuade Republican lawmakers to support $1 trillion in infrastructure spending. 

And while Biden was ready for a compromise, Harris thought the bill was skimpy.

‘Harris thought that there was something missing from the conversation,’ New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns wrote in their book, This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future. 

She began turning the conversation toward Democratic priorities, including family and social spending, which were originally included in the larger Build Back Better bill. 

She ‘began to make the case for a larger package than the one Republicans seemed to have in mind.’ 

‘Biden dismissed her comment immediately,’ the authors wrote, in so harsh a tone ‘that even the Republican senators were taken aback.’ 

Bitch, shut the f*ck up!

And while you can’t blame Biden for not wanting to be around Harris or for snapping at her idiocy, you can blame him for picking her to be his illegitimate vp. Maybe selecting a running mate solely on skin color and vagina-ownership isn’t the best way to go. Wait till he sees what a nightmare Ketanji Brown Jackson is on the Supreme Court.