Comedy Is Yet Another Thing Joe Biden Sucks At

Joe Biden’s White House occupancy has shone that he’s not very good at foreign policy, domestic policy, or the economy. At the White House Correspondent’s Dinner over the weekend, he proved he really sucks at comedy as well. To say his performance was unfunny would be the understatement of the year and in reality, there is no word in the English language to describe how cringe-worthy his routine was.

The point of the WHCD is for the press and the current president to roast each other but because the media is liberal and the illegitimate prez is a democrat, they pretty much just went after Trump and the Republicans.

Here’s Joe’s attempt at being funny:

“This is the first time president has attended this dinner in 6 years. It’s understandable, we had a horrible plague followed by 2 years of COVID,” said Biden.

Get it? He’s saying Trump’s presidency was a horrible plague. The reason why this joke doesn’t work is because things were way better under Trump than they are with Biden in the White House. If the economy, border, and world were in chaos under Trump, like they are under Biden, then it would be funny, but the reality is, Biden’s illegitimate presidency is the horrible plague.

“Just imagine if my predecessor came to this dinner this year. Now that would really have been a real coup if that had occurred,” Biden said.

Even the liberal d-bags in the crowd groaned at that one. Again, the lack of comedy comes from Biden projecting. The coup was when democrats stole the White House for Biden.

From there, Biden went around the room saying nice things about members of the liberal media and then went after Fox News:

“Everyone had to prove they are fully vaccinated and boosted so if you’re at home watching this and you’re wondering how to do that, just contact your favorite Fox News reporter. They’re all here, vaccinate and boosted,” said Biden.

I’m assuming the joke he was trying to make is the lie that Fox News is anti-vax and he was trying to make them seem like hypocrites. None of this is true, so it obviously fell flat.

“Fox News, I’m really sorry your preferred candidate lost the last election. To make it up to you, I’m happy to give my chief of staff to you all so he can tell Sean Hannity what to say every day,” Biden said.

Here we are with the projection again. The Biden White House literally dictates what the liberal media reports and controls the questions they are allowed to ask. Without skipping a beat, Biden proved this by then mentioning that his chief of staff, Ron Klain, was sitting at a table with CBS.

Biden then turned his attacks masked as comedy on the Republicans:

“I’m not really here to roast the GOP. That’s not really my style. Besides, there’s nothing I could say about the GOP that Kevin McCarthy hasn’t already put on tape,” said Biden.

And what exactly did Kevin McCarthy say about the GOP on tape? Also, all Biden did was roast the GOP.

“At the same time a lot of people say the Republican Party is too extreme, too divisive, too controlled by one person. They say this not your father’s Republican Party,” Biden said.

Only Joe says that.

“Ronald Reagan said, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down,'” Biden said.

No, Ronald Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” It’s one of the most famous presidential quotes of all time and Joe can’t even get it right.

“Today’s Republicans say, ‘Tear down Mickey Mouse’s house!’ Pretty soon they’ll be storming Cinderella’s castle and you can be sure of it,” said Biden.

No. No they don’t.

That last joke was so bad that there was virtual silence in the room.

Biden finished off with some actual comedy, though it was unintentional:

“Republicans seem to support one fella. Some guy named Brandon. He’s having a really good year and I’m kinda happy for him,” said Biden.

That was Joe Biden saying it’s been a good year for “F*ck Joe Biden.” He’s right, but he didn’t mean to be.

Keep in mind that all of these “jokes” were written by professional Hollywood liberal comedians. This stuff didn’t come from his normal speechwriters. Yes, Biden’s delivery and command of the English language were bad, but his material was awful.

While it’s not a shock that Joe Biden sucks at comedy, seeing as how he sucks at everything, it is kind of surprising that he and the entire liberal media are still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.