Joe Biden Claims He Is Homeless

Joe Biden lies to seem relatable, like when he says he was raised in the black church, the Puerto Rican community, and Jewish synagogues, but he let loose a whopper this weekend. According to the BSer-in-cheif, he has no place to live, so he’s now claiming to be homeless. Of course he has two mansions and a stolen White House in which to live, but luckily the liberal media isn’t about to call him out on his fabricated reality.

This all started with the fact that Joe Biden is even lazier than Barack Obama, as The NY Post pointed out:

The 24/7 grind of the White House has been anything but for President Biden, who has devoted more days to downtime than any of his recent predecessors, according to an analysis of press-pool reports.

This Labor Day weekend, Biden once again plans to be 10 toes up at his Rehoboth Beach summer home — after a short trip to Florida to view Hurricane Idalia’s wreckage.

As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief, according to data calculated by the Republican National Committee and confirmed by The Post using White House reports of Biden’s movements.

In other words, Biden has been on vacation for more than a year of his two and three-quarters years in office. Joe however wants everyone to think he’s working hard so he tried to set the record straight about his latest vacation, as reported by The AP:

There may be no place like home but President Joe Biden says he cannot go to his.

Unprompted, Biden approached reporters Sunday in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, after he went to Mass at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church to say he was not on vacation.

“I have no home to go to,” said Biden, who lives at the White House on weekdays and spends most weekends in Delaware, where he has two homes.

You see, he didn’t take another vacation, it was just that he was homeless. This story actually gets worse as Biden explained his nonsense:

The U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his longtime primary residence in Wilmington, Delaware, to make it more secure “in a good way,” he said.

It has been at least a few months since he last spent a night there.

“So I have no place to go when I come to Delaware, except here, right now,” he said, speaking of his other home, in Rehoboth Beach. “I’m only here for one day.”

Is there a bad way to make a home more secure?

Reading between the lines, Joe is getting one of his mansions completely remodeled at taxpayer expense, which has forced him to vacation at his other mansion. He could just stay at the White House, which is where presidents usually reside, but Joe also likes wasting money on unnecessary travel.

This gets even more infuriating because today Joe was lying to some union drones about how great of a job he’s done with the economy, and tried to contrast his record with Donald Trump’s:

“When the last guy was here, he looked at the world from Park Avenue. I look at it from Scranton, Pa. I look at it from Claymont, Del. Not a joke,” Biden said.

It actually is a joke, though unfunny and unintentional. Biden looks at the world from his two multi-million dollar mansions, that he can’t reasonably say how he paid for. This is Biden trying to make it seem like he’s a working-class guy, even though he’s never had a real job in his life, and became wealthy through corruption and fraud.

Donald Trump never pretended to be a poor slob, but he did do things to help make everyone more prosperous. Joe Biden pretends to be a regular guy, and all he does is make everyone poorer, while lining his pockets.