Biden Tweets About Putting Aside Our Differences And MAGA Extremists At The Same Time

Listen all of you ugly chumps and neanderthals, Joe Biden says it’s time we put aside our differences. In fact he tweeted this message simultaneously while attacking the extremist MAGA agenda. Here we thought he dementia when he might be schizophrenic. Actually he can be both.

Here’s a tweet Biden sent from his POTUS account:

And here’s a tweet he sent from the Sleepy Joe account:

Note the timestamps of the tweets: they were both posted at 9:30 am on May 5. I don”t think there is anyone who believed Joe runs his own Twitter accounts but this proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. He couldn’t figure out how to send a single tweet, let alone 2 simultaneously from 2 different accounts.

The other thing proven here is that Biden’s handlers are responsible for his shitty messaging. In the first tweet he’s saying we have to come together and the second one he’s slamming half the country for having an extremist agenda.

His handlers are also every bit as insane as Joe. The video in that second tweet is from yesterday when Biden called Republicans “The most extreme political group in American history.”

In the segment his handlers used, Biden accused Florida Senator Rick Scott of pushing a national tax plan that would hurt middle-class families. He must be aware that democrats control the White House and Congress, right?. He’s literally trying to scare people over something that will never happen.

It gets worse because in this fear-mongering, Biden says families who make $100,000 but don’t earn enough to pay taxes will be slammed under this evil MAGA tax plan. He actually said, “You pay all of your taxes but you don’t make enough [to pay taxes]. Who makes $100,000 a year but doesn’t make enough to pay taxes and how do people pay all their taxes when they don’t pay their taxes?

Since Joe Biden’s head is a mostly-empty beer can full of dead flies and backwash, it’s pretty obvious this dual message of “let’s unite” and “f*ck those other guys” doesn’t come from him. I throw around the term “handlers” a lot and at this point it’s too hard to ignore that Barack Obama is pulling his strings. Nobody loves dividing this nation more than the last democrat to occupy the White House.

Biden’s administration is full of Obama cronies and they know that in his weakened mental state, Joe is highly suggestible. It’s literally the only explanation for why everything Biden used to be for, he is now against and everything he used to be against, he now loves.

This is yet another reason why Biden’s lack of cognitive ability is a national security risk. If Obama can implant things in Biden’s head, what’s to stop Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping from doing the same thing? I say that like it hasn’t already happened. Joe sure likes our enemies more than he does Americans.