DRAGON ENERGY: Trump Dances Off Stage at PA Rally to “Hold On! I’m Coming!” and He Is AWESOME! (VIDEO)

Tens of thousands of American patriots were braving the cold rain and standing in mud for hours to see their favorite President deliver remarks last night in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, President Trump was set to screen during the rally Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary, 2000 Mules, which exposes the criminal organization that stole the 2020 election.

Dinesh spoke at the rally last night and confirmed to the audience that without a doubt:


“Trump won the 2020 election!”


This was ground-stirring and encouraging. President Trump is an American icon—an American original—an American HERO!


Click HERE to view President Trump’s closing remarks.


We will Make America Powerful Again. We will Make America Wealthy Again.

We will Make America Proud Again. We will make America Great Again.

President Trump’s message is excellent. Below are some excerpts from his speech.

Earlier this week, our movement had a series of blockbuster victories in Ohio and Indiana. We nominated an amazing group of MAGA Patriots to fight for us in November, including future U.S. Senator J.D. Vance. In fact, every single candidate that I endorsed WON their primaries on Tuesday—they went 22 and 0.


Tuesday’s primary results are just the latest proof that we have transformed the face of the Republican Party. We are now the WORKING PEOPLE’S Party. We believe in putting AMERICA FIRST—and we are going to keep on fighting to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.



Joe Biden and the Radical Left have turned calm into chaos, competence into incompetence, stability into anarchy, prosperity into poverty, and security into catastrophe.


Meanwhile, we have a president who has no idea what is happening, who’s shaking hands with the air, while Putin talks about nuclear weapons. Once and for all, Joe Biden should put the question to rest by taking a cognitive test and releasing the results for the entire world to see—just like I did.

As you saw a short time ago in Dinesh D’Souza’s incredible new documentary, 2000 Mules, Biden didn’t get votes—he got BALLOTS.


Illegal aliens are pouring in by the millions—and the Biden administration is loading them on airplanes and busses, and bringing them to communities like Scranton and Allentown in Pennsylvania. It’s an invasion, aided and abetted by our OWN government. When Republicans retake Congress, we should immediately pass legislation to BAN the federal government from unloading planeloads of illegal aliens in American communities without your consent. Our country is FULL.

In addition to illegal immigration, Biden has blown out the refugee cap by 800 PERCENT—including bringing tens of thousands of unvetted, unscreened foreign nationals from Afghanistan. Republicans should vote to restore my strong policy prohibiting refugee resettlement without the approval of local governments.


Democrats are the party of CRIME, CHAOS, and DEATH. Republicans are the party of LAW, ORDER, and LIFE. If you want to make our country safer for violent criminals, vote for the Radical Democrats. If you want to make it safer for YOUR family, YOUR children, and for law-abiding Americans, you must VOTE REPUBLICAN.

One of our highest priorities will be to crack down on left-wing censorship and restore FREE SPEECH in America. We will immediately terminate Joe Biden’s so-called “Disinformation Governing Board”—a chilling and un-American power grab that we will not allow to stand.


The Radical Left Democrat party is not a 50 percent party within our country. They’re against God, guns, oil, law enforcement, voter ID, the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers. The only way they win is to cheat in elections.

In 2016, we won Pennsylvania in a landslide. Then from 2016 to 2020, Republicans out-registered Democrats in Pennsylvania 21 to 1—which is why, on election night, we were up by more than 650,000 votes.

Above quotes from thegatewaypundit.com.

True miracles are profound and occur without being announced. May this please be the miracle for which we have been hoping and praying.

God speed to the Take Back of Our Republic.

And may God and our hard work save America from the ungodly transformation of the unconstitutional democrat-communist regime.