Justice Clarence Thomas: Courts Can’t Be ‘Bullied’ Into Delivering Outcomes People Demand

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday defended judicial independence, arguing that government institutions must not allow themselves to be strong-armed into delivering outcomes that people demand.

This from theepochtimes.com.

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, D.C. on November 30, 2018

Justice Thomas made the remarks at a May 6 judicial conference in Atlanta, where he was asked by a moderator to discuss the biggest threats to judicial independence, according to Law360.

In his response, Thomas decried what he described as an erosion of respect for the high court and made an apparent reference to protests that erupted after the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion suggesting the court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, with major implications for access to abortion.

He said, according to Reuters, that as a society:

[W]e are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like.

We [the SCOTUS] can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want.

The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.

A flurry of protests and counter-protests broke out outside the Supreme Court after Politico obtained and published the draft opinion that would uphold a Mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and overturn the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

The protests have been loud but mostly peaceful, though there have been reports that pro-abortion activists attacked pro-life pastors.

In a bid to prevent violence, police have now surrounded the Supreme Court with a set of 9-foot high metal barricades, with an officer telling an Epoch Times reporter that the move was “just in case.”

Speaking at the 11th Circuit Judicial Conference, a gathering of lawyers and judges, Thomas referred several times to the “unfortunate events” of the past week, bemoaning declining respect for institutions and the rule of law.

He said, according to The Washington Post:

It bodes ill for a free society.

It can’t be that institutions give you only the outcome you want or can be bullied into submission.

Thomas also expressed concern about a “different attitude of the young” towards respect for institutions and the law, suggesting this is on the decline relative to past generations, as cited by the outlet.

The Supreme Court has confirmed the authenticity of the draft opinion but called it preliminary.

A ruling in the case is expected in June.

Final thought, a sad opinionated review of sorts: Although many separate cultures exist within America, we are held together by a single overall fabric of culture, of commonality.

Throughout their ongoing efforts to transform America into a third-world communist hell hole, the democrat-communist party of America has spread a multitude of evil tentacles throughout Our Republic.

These tentacles have torn the fabric of our culture, of our commonality.

Perhaps what Justice Thomas is alluding to is the democrat-communist-instigated tearing of the fabric of our American culture.