Pro-Choice Abortionists Decide ‘Choice’ Is Racist Against Black Women

With Roe v. Wade poised to be overturned the pro-choice movement is in chaos but it turns out the real existential threat to them is the word “choice” itself. Apparently the baby-killing liberals have decided that “choice” is racist against black women and women of color. How? Why? Who cares? It’s hilarious.

First, we have this handy dandy rebrand sheet from the Pro-Choice Caucus:

That’s certainly a lot to absorb. Saying abortions are rare is harmful as is describing them as unwanted. The biggest problem here for the Pro-Choice Caucus however is that their name is problematic. It’s weird that they put this out but didn’t change their name to the Pro-Decision Caucus first.

As fate would have it, many in the pro-choice movement are realizing what an issue the word “choice” is. Check out the nation’s biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, explaining the issue:

“Choice assumes that everyone can get an abortion, and someone just has to choose whether or not they want one. Not everyone can get an abortion when they want one. Black feminists and feminists of color have pointed out that this isn’t the case: the legal right to choose to have an abortion does not always mean someone can get an abortion. “Choice” ignores the lived realities of people, especially Black people and people of color, who face barriers that are often compounded by racist and classist policies that keep them from the care they need.”

Well, look at that. “Choice” is racist against black women for reasons and whatnot.

If this seems stupid that’s because it is. Normally liberals say something is racist because it disproportionately affects black people like black people are incarcerated at a higher rate than their percentage of the population. In order for “choice” to be racist against black women, they would have to be disproportionately be denied abortions.

38% of all abortions are performed on black women and yet they only make up about 6.5% of the population. If anything, the “choice” to kill an unborn baby is the feel-good Affirmative Action success story of the century. Black women are getting abortions at 6 times their population percentage and that’s the kind of representation race-hustlers are always demanding.

Some people may remember that eugenicist Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the idea of wiping out the black race. They haven’t quite achieved that yet, but they are certainly off to a good start.

Liberals are always rebranding the horrible things they support in an effort to make them sound less horrible. It’s why they call abortions “women’s health care” but it can’t hide the fact that it’s the killing of unborn babies through elective surgery. The problem with this isn’t the word “choice” it’s that abortions end innocent lives.