Amy Klobuchar’s Gun Control Rant Makes A Pretty Good Argument To Lower The Drinking Age

Democrats don’t have any good ideas on purpose but every now and then the stumble upon something by accident. They however don’t get credit for the idea because they don’t mean it. Minnesota Senator Amy Klobucher was trying to argue about raising the age for buying firearms but made a better point that the drinking age should be lowered.

In the wake of the Texas school shooting, democrats are full of “solutions” that have been proven ineffective. Here’s Klobuchar’s contribution:

Wow, that is a good idea. We should totally lower the drinking age so people we consider to be adults can be treated like adults.

But if Klobuchar is insistent that we have to raise the age for purchasing firearms, we should also raise the age to serve in the military and vote. It hardly seems fair that an 18-year-old can go off to war and possibly die or be horribly mutilated when that same person can’t even legally buy a gun.

Under the same token, if someone isn’t responsible enough to own a firearm, they sure as shit can’t make a sound decision on who to vote for. Raise the voting age to 21 to reflect our new definition of adulthood.

Speaking of voting, the same people, Klobuchar included, who say 18-year-olds aren’t mature enough to own a gun think that 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote. If we’re going to go that direction, let’s let 16-year-olds get shit-faced and buy guns, though not at the same time.

Even worse, democrats like Klobuchar say that 5-year-olds are mature enough to pick their gender. Or that pre-teens can make the decision to chop of their penises and breasts. How can someone have the maturity and intelligence to lop of their wang but not be responsible enough to safely handle a firearm?

And the thing is, gun ownership is a Constitutional right while getting drunk isn’t. The 2nd Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Last time I checked, 18-year-olds are people.

Also, the last time I checked, there was no Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to do beer bongs and keg stands. I guess the right to privacy covers drinking alcohol as much as it does abortion but then again, police can force you to take a breathalyzer or blood test. That half-bottle of tequila punching your liver should be your business but it’s not.

Democrats are going to harp about this shit because they hate the 2nd Amendment and they don’t have any good ideas to reduce gun-related crime. Since that’s the case, how about this: people don’t have to pay taxes, not income taxes, not sales tax, nothing, until the government recognizes them as an adult and they can purchase a firearm.

The only way to make democrats be reasonable is to threaten to cut off their steady supply of taxpayer money.