Democrat Chris Murphy Calls For Armed Rebellion To Overthrow White House

When President Trump tweeted to “liberate” states like Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia because people were protesting draconian lockdowns, liberals went ballistic accusing him of inciting armed rebellions to overthrow the government. Since we all know things are only bad when Republicans do them, rest assured these same liberals will not be nearly as outraged that a democratic Senator has tweeted an incitement for an armed rebellion to overthrow the White House. No, but for real, anti-gun Chris Murphy is calling for an armed uprising to take out the President of the United States.

Several White House staffers have recently tested positive for COVID-19, which may be an attempt at toppling Trump in of itself, and now members of the coronavirus task force are self-isolating because they had come in contact with the infected people. CBS News’ Ed O’Keefe reported:

Which prompted Chris Murphy to tweet this:

When Trump tweeted something like this, he was accused of inciting an armed rebellion.

From NBC:

When President Donald Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” on Friday morning, some of his most fervent supporters in far-right communities — including those who have agitated for violent insurrection — heard a call to arms.

The tweet was one of three sent from the president’s account, along with “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

Trump’s tweets, however, pushed many online extremist communities to speculate whether the president was advocating for armed conflict, an event they’ve termed “the boogaloo,” for which many far-right activists have been gearing up and advocating since last year.

From CNN:

President Donald Trump is playing with fire. Just 24 hours after he told the nation’s governors, “You are going to call your own shots,” when it comes to reopening the economy, the President posted a series of incendiary messages on Twitter that seemed to incite his followers to revolt against the current orders to stay at home.

This is not an out-of-range dog whistle. We can all hear it. Trump is calling for open revolt in three states — all of which are potentially competitive in 2020 and run by Democratic governors.

The LA Times asked, “Um, was that the president of the United States issuing a call to arms against the government of a state run by one of his political opponents?”

The Washington Post claimed, “Trump’s ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government.”

I already checked, none of these liberal media outlets are freaking the eff out because of Chris Murphy’s call for an armed insurrection to overthrow the White House. He worked very hard to get that “D” after his name so he can be immune to criticism of his inherent horribleness.

Actually “worked hard” is the wrong term here. The only requirements for being a democrat are that you’re full of shit and that you’re really full of shit.

And speaking of being full of shit, Chris Murphy is one of the most extreme anti-gun members of his anti-gun party. You can see the problem here: he wants an armed overthrow of the White House but he doesn’t want anyone to be armed. I bet he has a “carve-out” clause in his unconstitutional gun control beliefs that it’s okay to own guns as long as they used against his political enemies.