The 14 Lessons Every Conservative Patriot Learned From the Tragic Texas School Shooting—Hint: Democrats Will Be Shocked and Horrified

Everyone has heard about the terrible, tragic Texas school shooting. As usual, democrats see this as an opportunity to blame guns…and Republicans. They will demand gun bans, strict gun control and gun confiscation. So, what else is new?

This by Wayne Allyn Root on

This tragic shooting is just more proof that we live in a country that is bitterly divided. So divided that the two sides—right and left, Republican and [d]emocrat, conservative and liberal—can’t agree on anything.

We appear headed for a divorce—it’s clear neither side can live with the other. There is no way to compromise when two sides see things so differently. Particularly when one side is never willing to budge off their position.

Here are the 14 lessons I’ve learned from this tragedy. I’m certain tens of millions of conservative patriots see it the exact same way.

2. Guns didn’t cause this tragedy. But a good guy with a gun sure ended it. An armed border agent killed the bad guy, thereby saving lives. That should be the headline.

3. We need more good guys (and gals) with guns to stop bad guys. Every school needs armed security. There should be only a single point of entry to every school- and a guard must always protect that entrance. All other doors to the school need to be locked and secured.

4. Backing up the armed security at every school should be teachers and/or administrators with guns and professional gun training.

5. How can we afford all this? I’ve argued from day one it was a disastrous decision and tragic mistake to give another $40 billion to Ukraine. We need to worry about America. We could have used that $40 billion here at home. Half of it ($20 billion) should have been used to pay for armed security at every school in America.

7. Gun control is never the answer. Gun control is a massive failure. There are far more shootings, violent crimes and murders in Democrat-run big cities with strict gun control than anywhere else. If strict gun control works, why are the streets of Democrat cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, New York and Los Angeles such killing fields? The answer is simple: strict gun control never stops criminals. It just leaves the good people defenseless.

8. New gun laws will do nothing to stop crime or mass murders. Why don’t we enforce laws already on the books against violent criminals? Crimes are almost always committed by repeat offenders that Democrat District Attorneys allowed back on the streets.

9. Instead of useless new laws, why don’t we make mass murder (the killing of two or more) a DEATH PENALTY crime. If convicted of mass murder, there are no appeals, the convicted mass killer is executed the next day by firing squad. End of story. That’s the way to deter more mass shootings.

11. Never mention “Defund Police” ever again. Incidents like this prove we need more police, not less.

12. But as much as I love and appreciate police, boy did they fail miserably this time. There are many questions about how the police responded to the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. How could they stand around for an hour while kids were being slaughtered? Police announced they waited so long because they were “afraid to get shot.” Really? If police are afraid to get shot, they should be instantly terminated. That’s their job- to risk their life to protect civilians. And while they refused to enter the school to confront the shooter, they handcuffed, tasered
and pepper sprayed parents who begged them to go in? So, please no more “defund police,” but let’s re-think how we’re hiring and training police. We need heroic macho warriors. Stop trying to make them into politically-correct pansies, poets and social workers.

13. This mass shooting and the poor police response only makes American patriots even more certain it’s up to us to defend ourselves and save our families. We love the police, but we can never count on them. “If it is to be, it is up to me.” I’ll bet more guns will be bought in the coming months by Americans than ever before in history.


These 14 common-sense lessons are what millions of conservative patriots learned from this tragic mass shooting or already strongly believed.

Most democrats across the fruited plain will be shocked and horrified by what we believe.

That’s why it may be time for a divorce. This marriage isn’t working.

We’ll keep America. The time has come for democrats to move on and build their communist dystopia elsewhere.