President Trump Made Scarily Accurate Predictions About What Would Happen if Democrats Took Over

President Donald Trump must be the modern-day Nostradomas.

Before the steal-ection, he made some predictions about what would happen if the Biden Regime was placed in charge, and sure enough, these predictions have come true.

Admittedly, it wasn’t hard to see what would happen if democrats put their agenda into motion.

Disaster usually tends to follow assaults on a nation’s economic wellbeing and the implementation of The Regime’s radical left strategies required only minimal time to humble America.

That said, it’s almost as if the left wanted to prove Trump correct in his predictions.

Below is a MUST SEE accurate, sadly humorous, and sickeningly discomforting montage.

In a very well-done video, Biden is giving a scripted speech about predictions the GOP had made before the election, and President Trump is cut in soothsaying to a crowd about the issues that would arise the moment The Regime seized power.

Trump foretells of a grab at your firearms:

[A]nd predicts that instead of an all-around ban (which is impossible) they’ll try to restrict your firearms usage incrementally, one type of firearm at a time. Which they are doing.

Trump also predicted, first and foremost:

[The Regime] would attack the energy industry and send gas prices up to five to six dollars a gallon. Which it has.

Trump predicted that illegal aliens would flood the United States:

[I]ncreasing crime, while the elitists stay safe behind their guarded, gated compounds. This is one of the biggest problems we now have.

He even predicted that democrats would spend billions protecting the borders of foreign nations and getting involved in foreign wars.

The fact that the left is decorating every available surface with Ukraine flags and sending billions of dollars to the country to help it defend itself from foreign invasion from Russia proves that this is true as well.

Trump’s predictions were clearly ignored by a good deal of the populace.

Perhaps they were so wrapped up in the media frenzy of hate that was thrown his way that they couldn’t be bothered to heed his warning. Either that or they truly didn’t think things were going to become as bad as they have under the democrat-communists and were just ready to get rid of mean tweets.

Regardless, the worst has come to pass and we’re currently living in a country descending into poverty, crime, and blaming innocent citizens for the actions of crazed gunmen.

Love him or hate him, President Trump makes it very clear that we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now if we’d kept democrats out of the White House, but perhaps this is merely a valuable lesson for America.


Even if the predictions about what leftists will do seem hyperbolic…they’re not.


Have We the People had enough yet? A rhetorical question, of course.

All but the sycophantic and the insane of us are disgusted and clamoring for a correction to each element of the democrat-communist destruction.

But how do we do this when every entity within our government is compromised and corrupt?