Joe Biden Just Created the ‘LGBT Ministry Of Truth’ And Put Kamala Harris In Charge

In late April, the Biden Administration formed a Disinformation Governance Board and put a crazy purveyor of disinformation in charge. The “Ministry of Truth” didn’t even last a month before it folded under criticism from free speech advocates but Joe hasn’t given up on the idea. He just formed a LGBT version of the Ministry of Truth and put purveyor of cackling, Kamala Harris, in charge.

The NY Post reports on Biden’s latest attempt to address the problems everyday Americans are facing because if his disastrous illegitimate presidency:

Another day, another White House “disinformation” task force.

The Biden administration on Thursday created a new internet policy task force — this one led by Vice President Kamala Harris — with goals including “developing programs and policies” to protect “political figures” and journalists from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.”

A presidential memorandum establishing the new task force describes a sweeping mission to protect people who seek out a role in public life from online critics.

In the United States and around the world, women and LGBTQI+ political leaders, public figures, activists, and journalists are especially targeted by sexualized forms of online harassment and abuse, undermining their ability to exercise their human rights and participate in democracy, governance, and civic life,” the memo says.

“Online abuse and harassment, which aim to preclude women from political decision-making about their own lives and communities, undermine the functioning of democracy.” 

It’s still a federal government commission telling people what “the truth” is, they just narrowed the focus to LGBT stuff and possibly abortion. It’s the “Rainbow Baby-Killers Ministry of Truth.”

The biggest problem I can see, besides the fact that the government shouldn’t be the arbiter of truth, is that all of the liberal narratives around the LGBT community and abortion are lies.

Killing babies doesn’t save lives.

Men don’t menstruate and can’t get pregnant.

Biological men are stronger and faster than biological women.

It’s neither healthy nor appropriate to teach kindergartners about gay sex.

It’s actual child abuse to treat pre-teens with hormone therapies and sex change operations.

Even Joe Biden himself is guilty of LGBT disinformation as he falsely claimed that Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law banned people from saying the word “gay.”

Everything about the LGBT community is disinformation. Presumable the purpose of Biden’s LGBT Ministry of Truth will be to burry the truth and crush all dissent.

I wouldn’t get to worried about this however, because Joe put Kamaltoe in charge. Her ineptitude in handling the border crisis, voting rights, and selling Build Back Better don’t indicate that she’s suddenly going to do a competent job.

In fact, if Kamala Harris handles LGBT “disinformation” as well as she “solved” the border crisis, all gay people will turn straight and there will be no mare tranny dudes dominating women’s sports.

The deeper issue here is how Biden and the democrats are trying to control the flow of information. They want to be in charge of what people are allowed to know and think. That’s some communist dictator shit and not something that should be a part of a free society.