Democrats Lose It When SCOTUS Rules EPA Can’t Regulate Power Plant Emissions

It’s a shame this session of the Supreme Court has come to an end because every decision they’ve handed down has made liberals cry. The last case decided by the court says that the EPA lacks the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Naturally democrats are in full freak-out mode over something they have the power to fix because that’s what kind of bitches they are.

The basic deal here is that Joe Biden came in and instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to restrict so-called greenhouse gases so severely that it would force all coal-fired power plants to close. Those plants and the State of West Virginia sued the EPA and the case made its way to the Supreme Court. The high court ruled that the EPA lacked the regulatory authority to impose such restrictions.

The thing about the EPA is, it’s not a executive branch cabinet, it’s kind of a weird thing that basically derives its authority from the Congress. With their decision the SCOTUS was saying that the president can’t tell the EPA to regulate the coal industry into oblivion, which is correct. The Congress however, could do this, so the following democrat spaz-attack makes absolutely no sense.

Let’s hear from the Jihad Squad first:

Next, a dumb guy and a fish face:

And the democratic party leadership:

As I said, Congress has the power to give the EPA the authority to f*ck the coal industry, they just don’t have the votes.

I’m starting to notice a pattern here with this and many other recent SCOTUS decisions: Democrats have been relying on unconstitutional means to advance their agenda (gun control, abortion, global warming, etc…) and when the Supreme Court strikes these down in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, they cry foul.

Keep in mind that democrats have had decades to codify all of this stuff and at times had veto-proof majorities in Congress, but for some reason didn’t get around to it. Now their “solution” is to blow up the SCOTUS and the Constitution.