Joe Lies As He Awards Dead RINO John McCain The Medal Of Freedom

Joe Biden held a mostly-woke Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony at the White House Thursday. He doled them out to America-hating soccer lesbian Megan Rapinoe and a whole host of unworthy recipients. Included in that list was dead RINO John McCain, who Biden said he never had a bad word for but that’s a lie because Biden hated McCain and slammed him many times.

The fact that Joe Biden is giving John McCain the Presidential Medal of Freedom is all the proof we need to know he was a Republican In Name Only:

“I will admit to my Democratic friends I’m the guy that encourage John to go home and run for office, for real, because I knew what incredible courage, intellect and conscience he had. We used to argue like hell on the Senate floor but then we’d go down and have lunch together,” said Biden.

“We ran against each other, which I didn’t like, on tickets for the highest office in the land. I was a candidate for vice president, he was the candidate for president. I never stopped admiring John. Never said a negative thing about him in my life, because I knew his honor, his courage, and his commitment,” Biden said.

Fascinating story. If only it were true.

On the 2008 campaign trail Biden had these negative words for John McCain:

“You can’t call yourself a maverick when all you’ve ever been is a sidekick,” Biden said. “What a majority of American people are looking for — a steady hand, leadership, an optimist; not an angry man, lurching from one position to another.”

Interestingly enough, Biden is that sidekick angry man who lurches from one position to another.

Later in 2008, Biden continued the attacks on McCain:

“Just as George Herbert Walker Bush was nicknamed ‘Bush 41’ and his son is nicknamed as ‘Bush 43,’ John McCain could easily become known as ‘Bush 44,'” Biden said.

Interesting enough, Joe Biden is “Jimmy Carter 2.0” and “Obama 2: Geriatric Boogaloo.”

After McCain released an ad showing Obama’s cozy relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, Biden had this to say:

“You know, the idea here that somehow these guys are, once again, injecting fear and loathing into this campaign, I think, is mildly dangerous. Look, this really is a case where, when you don’t have anything to talk about, attack. And it gets really over the edge,” Biden said.

Interestingly enough, Joe Biden is fear and loathing personified and he doesn’t have anything of substance to talk about.

Prior to the 2008 election, Reuter’s noted this:

On becoming the Democratic vice presidential nominee in August, Joe Biden called Republican White House rival John McCain “my friend.”

Now Biden denounces McCain as “an angry man” whom he accuses of trying to take “the low road to the highest office in the land” with a campaign of fear and personal attacks.

Interestingly enough, Joe Biden invented the low road and runs campaigns of fear and personal attacks.

Granted, Joe Biden never called John McCain “fat” “ugly chump” or “lying dog-faced pony soldier” but clearly he’s had more than a few negative words for the dead RINO.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not trying defend John McCain. I think shit-talking McCain is Biden’s only good quality. I’m just trying to point out what a lying sack crap Joe Biden is.