Biden Can’t Remember The Bureau Of ‘Alcapal’ Tobacco And Firearms

Just another reminder that Joe Biden’s mind is shot. In announcing a radical anti-gun activist as his nominee to head the ATF, Crazy Joe couldn’t remember what the ATF is. He also couldn’t remember what alcohol is. I’d say maybe he had too much alcohol before making this announcement, but even drunk people remember easy things like these.

Biden has selected anti-gun activists David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, known as the ATF. Let’s see how he did in announcing this:

“Finally, the Bureau of Alcapal, Alcohol, Tobbaca, ‘n Firearms, the key agency enforcing gun laws hasn’t had a permeant director since 2015,” said Biden.

Alcapal? Was he trying to say Al Capone? Maybe alpaca? It should be concerning that the guy with the nuclear codes struggles to pronounce the word “alcohol.” This next thing should be even more alarming:

“Today I’m proud to nominate David Chipman to serve as the Director of the A.F.T. David knows the A.F.T. well,” Biden said.

Apparently Joe doesn’t know it that well. What the hell is the AFT?

Actually, it could be the American Federation of Teachers, which is the powerful union refusing to go back to work and open up the schools. Or maybe he was talking about American Flat Track, “the world’s premier dirt track motorcycle racing series and America’s Original Extreme Sport.”

Whatever it is, Biden lacks the authority to nominate the director of either organizations.

Here’s a fair question: Since Biden said he was nominating Chipman to be the Director of the AFT, does the Senate even have to bother with a confirmation process? It’s not a real thing like the Director of the ATF, so can the Senate just disregard this one?

Remember how the liberal media would savage Donald Trump if he misspoke or mispronounced something, claiming it was proof that he was mentally unfit to serve as President? There isn’t any of that with Biden.

Biden misspeaks and mispronounces things constantly. According to liberal media rules, his cabinet should pull a 25th Amendment and throw him out of office. Then again liberal media rules, like all liberal rules, do not apply to democrats.

Also, Biden has mucked up nearly all of his cabinet nominations so maybe they don’t have the authority to oust him because they are just as illegitimate as he is.

“For Secretary of Health and Education Services, I nominate Xavier Bach-a-ria. You know, Xavier Basheera,” said Biden when he nominated Xavier Becerra for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

In March, Biden couldn’t remember the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin or the department he heads:

“I want to thank you both and I want to thank the sec-, the, the, ugh, the former general, I keep calling him general but my, my, ugh, the guy who runs that outfit over there,” said Biden.

Again, if Biden is going to nominate people who don’t exist for positions that don’t exist, why does the Senate have to humor him? If he can’t remember this stuff, they shouldn’t have to help him out.