Eric Swalwell Tries To Blame Highland Park Shooting On Lauren Boebert, Gets ‘Fang Fang’ Checked Instead

California Rep. Eric Swalwell is unintelligent, witless, and completely lacking in self-awareness, which is the democratic party hat-trick for insipidness. In wake of the Highland Park shooting, the dipshit democrat tried connecting it Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, but was quickly reminded of his own connections to having sex with a Chinese spy.

Here’s what Swalwell tweeted out after a sick Antifa punk shot and killed 7 people in Highland Park, Illinois on the 4th of July:

I wonder why Twitter never flags democrats’ tweets as false information. Crimo was no Trump supporter, he passed background checks to buy non-military guns, and he did it in a state run by democrats with tough gun control laws.

Lauren Boebert made this astute observation:

Which was actually a trap Boebert set that Swawell fell in ass-first:

As you can see, Swalwell says there is a straight line between Boebert promoting safe and responsible gun ownership and suicidal psycho Robert Crimo III firing into a 4th of July parade. There’s definitely no straight line there, but Lauren Boebert did find one:

Now that’s an easy straight line to follow: Eric Swalwell sleeps with honey pot Chinese Spy Fang Fang and the secrets she f*cked him out of went directly to Xi Jinping.

As is always the case, Swalwell attacks Republicans with what he thinks is a sick burn and then never responds when he get nut-punched.

It would appear as if Swalwell is obsessed with Lauren Boebert because he had another “clever” jab at her:

And? It’s a picture of Boebert demonstrating great trigger and muzzle discipline. Maybe it was posted without comment because Swalwell is too stupid to think of something snarky to say.

As with the first tweet, Boebert hit Swawell back in devastating fashion:

Not only is that a great comeback, it has the added layer of an AOC reference. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under the impression that Republicans criticize her because they all want to date her and not because she’s a moron. Boebert flipped that onto Swalwell, who is also a moron.

Swalwell also has a thing for Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene but it’s not going any better than it did with Lauren Boebert:

I would tell Swalwell to quit while he’s a head but he’s never been ahead. He gets smacked down every time he tries being witty. The good news for him is that he’s so dense he has no idea how badly he’s being embarrassed by these strong GOP women.