“We’re trying to save a country from actual destruction”: In Vegas Trump explains how to END the KILLING

Mayhem, destruction, murder… This is the legacy of these times in America.

This from therightscoop.com.

Leftist groups have placed bounties on Supreme Court Justices. They are paying $50 for a text notification when a Justice is spotted out in public.

Mobs pretend they are legally protesting to commit crimes, block highways, assault drivers and vehicles, vandalize and burn, and attack police. And much of this goes on with impunity. Our justice system is compromised and all but broken.

Children are shot to death in school while bureaucrats stand around outside. This too appears to be intentional and orchestrated at the behest of a distant monied few.

Teachers tell our young children about their sexual deviance and the media treats this sick behavior like it is bravery.

The government lies to us and the corrupt, compromised mass propaganda media cover for them with more lies.

Thugs—girls and boys—beat an elderly black man to death in Philadelphia. For details click HERE. And this behavior is commonplace, not an anomaly.

Frightening is that this is all in service to or by the design of the far left, who own the democrat-socialist-communist party outright.

There’s only one way to stop the ongoing absolute destruction of America: Get the democrat-socialist-communists out and get Republicans in.


Click HERE to view President Trump’s short ‘Vote dems out of office’ message.


The way to get democrats out is not just voting by itself. It’s also Republicans working toward some common goals. Trump working with DeSantis, McCarthy and McConnell working with MTG and Gaetz.

Our own edges have to blend somehow, even if just for a while. It’s worth it because, as President Trump said, we’re trying to save a country from total destruction.


Voting the good ones in when we can, and voting the bad ones out is ESSENTIAL. RINOs included.


I know not everyone agrees with that but it was weighing on my mind all night and this morning I hear President Trump say what I feel in my heart. (He has a habit of doing that.)

I hope [We the People] can fight off this plague, but it has to start with the GOP working together to defeat the democrats. That’s what I think anyway.

And that can’t happen without fighting the so-called culture [of rot] taking over this country.

There are more good people than bad in America. The good ones need to know they are not alone. We the People are pockets of disconnected but armed and trained power throughout the nation—red states in particular but also blue states. We seek leadership and direction.

Electing ethical, moral leaders is essential to this war on upside-down values and morality. Goodness and wholesomeness must be allowed to re-flourish in American. The twisted values of the sick few must be eradicated. America must be returned to the tender, caring, kindly values of the many.

Our return to goodness will not happen with democrat-socialist-communists in place.