Trump Will Not Attend Joe Biden’s Inauguration

I get why Trump will not be attending Biden’s inauguration, seeing as how he stole the White House and all, but I think the President is missing a great opportunity to seriously mind-f*ck Crazy Joe as a parting gift. The last thing Biden and his people want is for there to be Trump or his supporters anywhere near the inauguration, which is exactly why the President should be there.

VP Mike Pence has said he will be at Biden’s inauguration, but President Trump will not be in attendance:

This, I believe, is a terrible mistake. Trump should be there, freaking Joe and Kamaltoe out the entire time. Thanks to 4 years of demonization, liberals are terrified of Trump and that includes the president-elect and vice president-elect. Trump wouldn’t even have to say anything, just stare them down with a look that says, “you know what you did, bitches.”

Joe Biden can barely speak under perfectly controlled situations. Imagine how bad he’ll butcher his oath of office with the pressure of the evil orange man’s steely glare. There’d be a lot of “look, fat,” “you know the thing,” and “dog-faced pony soldier” going on, that’s for sure.

It’ll be worse for Kamala because of her nervous lab. She has this cackle she does when she’s lying and in taking the oath of office,she’ll have to lie which means she’ll be cackling. With Trump over her shoulder, her nervousness will be so bad that she’ll hyperventilate.

Better yet, Trump should hold a competing rally at the same time Biden is being inaugurated. Nobody was going to show up for Biden anyways and it would be a great point to make to contrast his small number of attendees with a couple hundred thousand Trump fans. It would illustrate perfectly that Biden stole the election by showing the radical difference in support between him and Trump.

Joe comes unglued when liberal media reporters ask him pre-approved questions, so imagine his meltdown if thousands of Trump supporters where heckling his inauguration. He can talk about unity and healing all he wants, but if Trump supporters were razzing him, he’d call them “ugly chumps” and challenge them all to push-up contests or threaten to take them behind the Capitol gym.

Biden’s people are already scared that his inauguration will turn into a Trump rally:

“What do you do if our people don’t show up and his do? They probably will and the last thing you want is a MAGA rally on the Mall when Joe Biden is sworn in as president…. I think [Trump] would want to make it as much of a shitshow as possible,” said a Biden campaign official.

I say Trump should help Biden’s people realize their worst fears.

One of Trump’s greatest assets is his Jedi-level trolling ability. The deep state swamp has finally found a way to get him out of office, but that doesn’t mean he should go quietly. Showing up to Biden’s inauguration would be the ultimate f-ck you to the establishment and set the tone for Joe’s tainted and illegitimate presidency. Plus, it would be really f*cking funny.