WTF Is This? Kamala Harris Introduces Herself With Pronouns And Description Of Her Outfit

The White House puppet masters still intend for Joe Biden to step down but that plan no longer includes remaking Kamala Harris as someone who people will take seriously. At a meeting today, the illegitimate vice president introduced herself by stating her pronouns and a description of the outfit she was wearing.

Harris met with disability rights leaders, whatever the f*ck that means, and things started off as Kamaltoe as possible:

Harris began by saying, “Thanks for coming in to have this very important discussion on about some of the most pressing issues of our time.”

Despite the serious tone Harris tried to set, she immediately made things unserious:

“I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are ‘she’ and ‘her.’ I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit,” said Harris.

No serious, what the f*ck is this? I know that Kamala talks to people like they are stupid, because she is stupid, but this is taking things to a new level dumbing down. And dumb wokeness.

Somehow things got dumber because all the rest of the women at the table also introduced themselves with pronouns and descriptions of their attire. Also, how come all of the “disability rights leaders” are pronoun-using women? Where’s the beta dudes?

In reality, the dumbest thing was yet to come. After Harris acknowledged the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, she warned of a new scourge for handicapped people.

“After the recent Dobbs decision from the Supreme Court, I have particular concerns about how that decision will uniquely impact Americans with disabilities,” said Harris.

The Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, which means that Harris is concerned that the abortion issue going to the states will somehow screw over handicapped folks. Another way to look at this is Harris thinks pregnancy is a disability. Either way, it’s completely insane.

Harris doubled down on the idea that abortion is a “people with disabilities” issue and stated, “that’s why we’re here today.” To repeat, Kamala Harris had a meaning with disability rights leaders” to specifically discuss what the overturning of Roe v. Wade means to disabled people. This is not a serious person or a serious administration.

Joe Biden has tasked Kamala Harris with unf*cking many of the catastrophes he’s created and she hasn’t done one damn thing. On top of that, inflation is through the roof, the country and the world are crumbling, but Kamaltoe holds a pronoun-intense meeting to discuss how reasonable abortion restrictions will affect handicapped people. I can’t actually think of something less important right now.

This is Kamala Harris and the Biden administration saying they really don’t give a shit about the things that matter to Americans. That they’re not going to make any attempt to undo the things they’ve done to make this country so miserable.

In any case, my name is Brian Anderson. My pronouns are “f*ck” and “off.” I am a man sitting in a chair wearing shorts and a t-shirt, waiting for these assholes to be gone so we can get our damn country back.