It would appear that cocaine, like corruption and sexual deviancy, is a Biden family tradition. Hunter’s Biden’s fondness of crack is well-known but Joe apparently loves the cocaine too. People noticed in a recent speech that the illegitimate president didn’t blink, which is a tell-tale sign of cocaine usage.
On Monday, Biden gave a remote speech where he said if you don’t support his assault weapons ban, you hate cops. We noted that the speech was heavily edited, indicating Joe was out of his mind, and that he was smacking and sucking on his dentures. What we missed however was that Biden wasn’t blinking:
You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-cop.
You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy.
You can’t be pro-insurrection and— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 26, 2022
The thing is, normal people blink, right? I looked up which drug stops you from blinking and the only thing that came up was cocaine.
This is from The Review of Optometry:
Smoked cocaine makes direct contact with the cornea and acts like most topical anesthetics, softening the cornea and indirectly reducing the blink reflex.
Smoked cocaine? Like crack?
Even The National Institutes of Health (the government) notes that cocaine users have a “reduced blink rate.”
I also looked up how many times normal people blink and it’s 15-20 times per minute. With that in mind, I went back to the full video to counted how many times Joe blinked:
In the first minute of this speech, Joe blinked 6 times, well under the average. He also had minutes-long spans where he didn’t blink at all. Going through the entire video, I estimate that Biden blinked just under 5 times per minute. That certainly sounds like a reduction in the blinking reflex to me.
Biden had recently tested positive for COVID-19 and had symptoms. He was treated with the anti-viral drug Paxlovid as well as Tylenol. I looked it up and neither of these drugs keep a person from blinking.
While being treated for COVID, Biden had to stop taking Crestor and Eliquis, which are for his cholesterol and blood clots respectively. I can’t find any information that says stopping these drugs also stops a person from blinking.
Just to be thorough, I looked up if there are any prescription medications that do stop a person from blinking and there is none unless you can find a doctor who prescribes cocaine.
Joe’s lack of blinking and sucking and smacking his dentures are classic behavior traits of someone who is on cocaine.
Sometimes during a public appearances, Biden is lethargic and incoherent while other times he’s energetic and semi-lucid. It is presumed that his handlers dose him with something to get the spry version of Joe and now we know what that is: cocaine. Suddenly it all makes sense.
Another thing that now makes sense is why Biden refers to his crack head, hooker-banging dumbass son Hunter as “the smartest man I know.” The reason for that is, Hunter is Joe’s coke connection.
Remember when Trump demanded drug tests before one of the presidential debates and Biden refused? Well, that’s one more thing that suddenly makes sense.