Colts GM Upset That An 18-Year-Old Can Buy An ‘AK-15 Automatic Weapon’

This makes so little sense it’s hard to believe it didn’t come from Joe Biden’s mouth. The general manager of the Indianapolis Colts has weighed in on the gun debate and thinks it’s wrong that an 18-year-old can buy an “AK-15 automatic weapon.” The good news for him is that no 18-year-old or person of any age can do this.

Check this out:

“Strong comments” is yet another thing that no longer means what it used to.

“I’m not anti-gun but I’m anti-military-style weapons that, it blows my mind that an 18-year-old kid can walk in and buy an AK-15 automatic weapon. It makes no sense. Zero,” said Ballard.

He right in that what he said makes zero sense. Everything he just said was wrong including his fractured sentence.

Nobody of any age can walk in anywhere and buy an automatic considering new sales of automatic weapons have been banned since 1986. Also, nobody of any age can buy an AK-15 since those don’t actually exist.

Plus, since Ballard was talking about the Greenwood Mall shooting, where a 22-year-old was killed by a good guy with a gun before he could unleash massive carnage, he’s wrong about the 18-year-old thing too.

Ballard also complained that politicians won’t do anything to stop 18-year-olds from buying AK-15 automatic weapons:

“When do our elected officials actually do something about it instead of their own political gain? And both sides of it. Both sides. Both sides are completely wrong,” Ballard said.

If both sides are completely wrong on the gun control debate, who the f*ck is right? This guy is an absolute moron.

“It’s a shame that we live in a country that can’t come to an agreement because of politics on doing the right thing for our country. It makes zero sense. Zero,” said Ballard.

I know this guy is a simpleton, but even he has to be aware of the U.S. Constitution and the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It’s not politics that keeps this country from banning weapons, it’s our Constitutionally protected rights that does that.

“Our politicians need to be held accountable. At what point are they going to put their own self-interest aside and do the right thing for this country?” Ballard asked.

Again, this guy is just a f*cking idiot. Respecting a Constitutional right by not trying to pass unconstitutional legislation is not a politician’s self-interest, it’s the oath every member of Congress made when they took office.

Maybe a better headline for this would have been: Dumb Guy Has Strong Opinions On Subject He Knows Nothing About.

Seriously, why do these anti-gun assholes get so worked about shit they have no clue about? Also, why do they always demand that something be done about it without having a reasonable course of action?

But hey, I would support a ban on AK-15 automatic weapons if it would shut Ballard the f*ck up. We could maybe get all lefty gun haters to STFU by banning a wide array of imaginary weapons.