Mexicans Pissed Off About A Flood Of American Immigrants

No, that headline isn’t backwards. Americans are moving to Mexico because it’s supper cheap and the locals are pissed off. The Mexicans complain that these American invaders won’t learn the language or assimilate to the culture. Gee, where have I heard that before?

Face it, America is too expensive for most people thanks to Joe Biden’s destruction of the the country. Food and gas are through the roof and housing is unaffordable to everyone except the “5 richest kings of Europe.” (Simpson quote) Also thanks to Biden and COVID, many Americans now work remotely. It only makes sense to move to Mexico where everything is cheap, including human life.

The LA Times however reports that the locals aren’t happy by the influx of Americans:

But wait, it gets worse:

So Mexicans are upset that educated employed Americans are moving legally to their country and pumping money into their economy? Try to image what the invasion of Mexicans is like for us here in the United States.

All of the illegal aliens who come here are uneducated, don’t have jobs or money, don’t contribute to the economy, but they do take billions of our tax dollars. Plus, a good number of them are criminal scumbags.

Since Mexicans don’t want our people, I propose we make a trade. We’ll take back the 1.6 million Americans living in Mexico and they take back the 20 million illegal alien shitbags mooching here.

That’s never going to happen but a good idea would be to ship all of our welfare recipients to Mexico. If someone can afford to live in Mexico City on $450 a month, our welfare queens would literally live like queens down there. Come to think of it, we could solve our homelessness problem by sending them too.