Biden Ditches ‘Ultra MAGA’ for ‘Fascists’ To Attack Republicans

After months of research and testing, Joe Biden’s handlers came up with “Ultra-MAGA” as a way of attacking Republicans. The problem is, it actually sounds cool and Joe kept calling it “Ultra-MYGA.” After some retooling, Biden’s handlers are back with “fascists” for Joe to go after the GOP with.

For a guy who keeps claiming he will unite the nation, Joe Biden sure does spend a lot of time attacking roughly half the country. Here’s some fun stuff from a democratic party fundraiser last week:

WTF is semi-fascism? You either are or you aren’t. It’s like being semi-sane. You’re either rational or Joe Biden.

As it turns out, a memo went out and the entire White House is now pushing the “Republicans are fascists” lie. Here is White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubling down on it:

In answer to the question: “are Republicans fascists?” KJP says, “Why yes, they certainly are.”

Somebody ought to tell her that democrats control Congress and the White House so Republicans aren’t doing anything. How have they attacked our democracy, which is actually a republic? What freedoms have they taken away? What rights have they taken away?

Democrats on the other hand have done plenty to damage our nation and its institutions. Joe Biden passes laws from the Oval office. Congress has stolen trillions of our dollars under the bullshit guise of budget reconciliation. They threaten to dismantle the Supreme Court, change the rules of Congress, and strip red states of their representation.

As far as freedom goes, the disastrous economic policies of Joe Biden has created massive inflation that means most people have to choose between eating or paying their bills. There are  thousands of people who have been fired from the federal government because they won’t take the COVID-19 shot. Biden is hiring 87,000 IRS armed IRS to enforce compliance with his socialist agenda.

With our rights, democrats passed gun control with a promise of more on the way. Biden started a Ministry of Truth to tell people what they are allowed to see, hear, say, and think. Joe has weaponized the DoJ against his political opponents, parents who want good schools, and anyone who opposes his regime.

Oh and about that voting rights thing, democrats nullified millions of votes by stealing the 2020 election and putting their party in control of the federal government so they could fuck with our rights and freedoms.

Fascism is a political ideology characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, forcible suppression of opposition, and subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation. That is also a textbook definition of democrats.

Feeling pretty good about this new offensive to falsely portray Republicans as fascists, the White House sent the memo out. Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider got it and was obedient:

That’s the kind of anger that comes with being washed up and irrelevant for almost 4 decades.

Expect more democrats and liberals to refer to Republicans as “fascists” in the coming days and weeks. Eventually they will realize it’s lame and ineffective and will come up with something else. My money is on “Satanic Nazis.”